Gildor's Forums

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 on: November 05, 2024, 01:11 
Started by spiritovod - Last post by spiritovod
@littlean: You're using quite old specific build, it's always recommended to check for an update before reporting possible issues (including notes from topic with known issues). As for general umodel usage, check recommended tutorial from tutorials section for better understanding how you can look for various things, for example in flat view mode with name filter and sorting. For this particular game most things are stored in Game\SS folder, like SS\Characters.

I've also noticed that in current umodel build full scan is somehow breaking stuff for this game, even though it's possible to open the same assets if full scan is not performed. It's better to limit scanning and exporting to particular folders, but if there are still crashes on separate assets, feel free to report them.

 on: November 04, 2024, 23:56 
Started by Joshhhuaaa - Last post by Pepsee
Was there any insight as to the animation format? I know it is much different from standard unreal packages, but it can't stray that far away from the original format, right? I am aware animations are much more of a challenge than static meshes, but I really love the Chaos Theory animations and would love to be able to finally have a better look at them one day..   azn

 on: November 03, 2024, 21:52 
Started by spiritovod - Last post by littlean
Hello. I'd like to ask you some questions. I'm using UE5, and its Pak folder is like this. When I open it, the problem I encounter is that the models inside can't be seen, and many folders are empty. In addition, what I want are the models of game special effects. How can I get them? Thank you.

 on: November 03, 2024, 15:30 
Started by Indie_RU - Last post by Indie_RU
Благодарю за развернутый ответ! Я так и думал, что придется все ручками с нуля делать.

 on: November 03, 2024, 15:05 
Started by Gildor - Last post by Gildor
This topic has been moved to Проблемы с использованием.

 on: November 03, 2024, 15:05 
Started by Indie_RU - Last post by Gildor
Вообще движок начал "вычищать" исходник материала только где-то с версии 4.15. Оставляют только информацию о параметрах, и код скомпилированного шейдера. Восстановить оригинал после такой чистки невозможно. Суть чистки понятна - она не против "датамайнеров", а она освобождает память от того, что во время игры не нужно (во время игры материал в теории можно перекомпилировать только на PC), но и делает загрузку данных быстрее, потому что не подгружаются все эти "ноды".

Что там было с консолями в UE3 я не знаю, возможно это особенность самой игры, разработчики решили сделать такую зачистку сами. А может это сделали сами Эпики - но тогда непонятно, почему они не использовали ту же практику потом.

 on: November 03, 2024, 14:53 
Started by Indie_RU - Last post by Indie_RU
Есть ли возможность правильно подгрузить оригинальные материалы из приготовленного пакета для консоли? Суть в том, что загрузить материалы в оригинальный движок от игры получилось, но часть нод он теряет при приготовлении (или переносит куда-то?!)

Материалы разные, просто как пример.

До приготовления:

И после:

Остаются только ноды с параметрами.

 on: October 30, 2024, 01:21 
Started by peterzhenhh - Last post by spiritovod
The game should be supported since version fix80 of specific build. If you're getting compression errors, most likely one of the packages is corrupted.

 on: October 29, 2024, 17:34 
Started by WollieWoltaz - Last post by spiritovod
It was already mentioned in various topics, but Tera has dedicated tool:
Current game versions doesn't work in umodel due to quite customized package format.

 on: October 29, 2024, 17:27 
Started by Malvodion - Last post by spiritovod
@SirDJCat: Make sure you're running umodel_64 version of that build (which is compiled from yretenai's code), because it has dynamic oodle library only for that version. Aside from that, latest steam version works fine with the build.

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