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Author Topic: Quake 2  (Read 59571 times)
Jr. Member
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Re: Quake 2
« Reply #15 on: February 25, 2017, 22:12 »

i tried to play but the console shows an error about new games...
that interest me a lot to try it , also with hl maps...
you should read this topic , i recently made , i ask about making doom3 engine being modified for playing hl maps

i also would like to make this engine being able to play hl2 maps... i would like to recreate the story by reordering maps and also adding monsters of wolfenstein2009 ,on combine side and aliens from the bureau : xcom as others enemies ...
may be that could inspire you...? and make you want to join ?
if you played wolfenstein2009  , may be you remember the big insect at top of the castle ? i dream to kill it in the caverns of hl2ep2 as gordon or a vortigaunt  ;']

to be back on quake 2 , make a pack to do the zip repack [ may be that needs very old pak explorer ? ] and make your engine able to launch game .
that could be cool if , beside "UE Viewer Compatibility Table" tab , you add a list of the interesting files/models .
i used uemodel with bureau but there are so much files that i did not found any aliens..  so some batches per game would be great .

last thing .... it is about the unreal engine settings , as now gfx and ram or cpu are more powerful or much bigger than with XP 32 bit , that would be super cool if you could create a listing of value that can be changed so the gameplay would be better .
with so much work for you , i must add : happy 2017..  8"]
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Re: Quake 2
« Reply #16 on: February 25, 2017, 23:11 »

HL support is quite hard.
1. You must convert HL entities to those which are supported by Quake 2 game dll. My engine tries to do that.
2. HL allows much more entities per level than Q2 - this is engine/game.dll/server protocol restriction. Increasing this limit will break everything. For my engine, it parses entity list and moves some entities to the client side - server will not know about them, and all it can do is visualize these entities and collide with them.
3. Lighting. My engine uses dynamic lighting by parsing entities for finding light information. Also it gets lighting information from surface descriptions. For many of HL maps, there's no information about surface lights. When playing such maps, map geometry rendered correctly (because of lightmaps), however all movable entities are too dark. I didn't find a way to bypass this.
i also would like to make this engine being able to play hl2 maps... i would like to recreate the story by reordering maps and also adding monsters of wolfenstein2009 ,on combine side and aliens from the bureau : xcom as others enemies ...
may be that could inspire you...? and make you want to join ?
Sorry, I don't have enough time to move all of my old projects forward. Recent month I spent all of my free time moving "fast zlib" project. No other plans exists at the moment.
if you played wolfenstein2009  , may be you remember the big insect at top of the castle ? i dream to kill it in the caverns of hl2ep2 as gordon or a vortigaunt  ;']
Never played this game.
to be back on quake 2 , make a pack to do the zip repack [ may be that needs very old pak explorer ? ] and make your engine able to launch game .
that could be cool if , beside "UE Viewer Compatibility Table" tab , you add a list of the interesting files/models .
i used uemodel with bureau but there are so much files that i did not found any aliens..  so some batches per game would be great .
UE Viewer compatibility table is just for UE Viewer, for Unreal engine games. May be I didn't understand your words above?
last thing .... it is about the unreal engine settings , as now gfx and ram or cpu are more powerful or much bigger than with XP 32 bit , that would be super cool if you could create a listing of value that can be changed so the gameplay would be better .
with so much work for you , i must add : happy 2017..  8"]
My quake 2 engine modification brings some improvements to the gameplay - like, falling screams, "camper sounds" etc. Doing more improvements would require changes to the game.dll code, this wasn't acceptable to me at the time I worked on this project. An example: some Quake 3 maps falls outside of possible Q2 world limit, these maps can be rendered - but I can't correctly pass world limits.
Jr. Member
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Re: Quake 2
« Reply #17 on: February 26, 2017, 11:18 »

my plans are based on doom3-bfg engine
and your knowledge of hl and quake2 , can be helpful for a project like mine...

i love to play coop and one one my two mods use svencoop v4.7 dlls , with the doom3-bfg multithread should be cool to have a lot of enemies controlled by cpu

in the two last quote i was talking about making some zip with all needed tools to do the transformations of old files you wrote in post : Posted on: September 01, 2013, 11:07
plus a bat or two to launch the quake2 game singleplayer because new game does not work with a vanilla install

i was also talking about the " right files and parameters " to get the right model ... i mean most people just want to have a closer look at some nice models they saw in game , so i think a text file per games listing the main models of a game and the right command to show them ; could be very useful
here are two page showing the bureau xcom aliens :

the text file / webpage look like that but instead of comments under the image/name , the command line to get them in viewer...
may be that could be in a wiki about models of unreal and you could create a chrome / firefox extentions to display in the browser.....   Smiley  Grin

the last quote was about the ini file of unreal engine 3 or 4 ...  they have a lot of settings , most of the time i read them and search for mem so i get values and most of the time i increase them [ until game stop launching 8]
by now i have some rx480 that have 8 go of ram , plus a cpu recently updated that i found on ebay with 8 cores + 8 ht 16 go of ram so i have a large more amount of mems and cpu than before ... so games could be tweaked to use more power from the pc , as you know perfectly the engine , you should be able to write a tutorial about them ..
that would be nice in the new wiki..

i joke ... do your project and when you ll have time re-use these ideas
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Re: Quake 2
« Reply #18 on: February 26, 2017, 11:35 »

Regarding "newgame" - this is alias defined in "default.cfg". This config file is executed when baseq2/config.cfg doesn't exist, or when you selecting "Reset defaults" in settings.

Everything else - I do not understand you.
Jr. Member
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Re: Quake 2
« Reply #19 on: February 26, 2017, 15:58 »

thank you...  i wonder how to play quake2 or hl..
try to do things fully finished...instead of half working...
have a nice spring
Jr. Member
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Re: Quake 2
« Reply #20 on: May 18, 2020, 14:06 »

hello old friend.. i am back to torture your brain [again.. Undecided
rereading me give me energy...
i post to know if you played the Nvidia Quake 2 RTX version ?

if you add plans ...  i asked them : nvidia / lighspeed ... to do it again with a giant version of hl ..
with the use of maps from mod , i build a 400 maps half-life ..
[that also explain my come back .. ] but they did not replied.. valve or his friends prefer to sell games with a piece of hardware at $1000 or $2000 than a game at $5 ....without needing new gfx..or else "glasses"
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Re: Quake 2
« Reply #21 on: May 18, 2020, 14:24 »

Yes I played with Q2 RTX - just played a little bit with the game, and didn't look into the source code.
Regarding HL I think it would be complicated to build an RTX version of the game because this game has missing information about light sources - this information is used for "radiant" and removed after that. So, when I'm playing with HL levels in my Q2, in most cases I have darkness when trying to lit dynamic models.
Jr. Member
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Re: Quake 2
« Reply #22 on: May 19, 2020, 21:30 »

i am not very good to appreciate like you ,, what does or not the compiler...
but here is a recent mod that has very cool lightening and rendering.. wink  :
read the latest comments by sixcentgeorge [ that is me ;'] ] and watch the movies i made to see best parts of mod : there are hundreds others..

i wonder how is quake2 rtx.. i have a gtx 1060 but a 3 Go that is not able to render it.. i do not care.. that will be good the day i ll have the right card..  you should check if they want to hire you.. at lightspeed/nvidia .. i chated a little with a dev using steam ; about the fact they were searching a new game in the community .. he told me they were searching and offering job..

i do it too : by now ; i am working on mod and i need the dlls so my mod play with opposing force monsters and few others from others mods like "sweet half life"
as i use maps already made , i need also few entities to be "programmed" for run well .

i tried during weeks to find the programmer but no one is interested..[  or i should say not so much programmers are able to handle this job and those who can : do not care working for few "thanks"  .
as i saw you like reverse engineering ; i wonder if you can handle the job..
i mean disassembling is quite hard..
but doing it with the sdk that made the dlls should help you "recreating the source code"  

by now i collected the sdk , the dlls that i "need" to copy from , some source code of others dlls : like for exemple heart of evil..
i wonder if you could try to make the main architecture of the dlls so i work and "add few functions or monsters " and at end you rework it all .. i can pay a little amount like 2 x 1000 euros ..
i also would like you to extract the roswells and few others thing from xcom: the bureau game : they are the "updated models" for the old roswell of sweet half-life . the game is at less than 1.5 euro the key.. i took one today at g2a then a;; the dlc for less than 8.5 euro on steam ..: i paid 10 euro instead of 30   smiley tongue

here is where to apply :
these days they published a beta of Minecraft rtx.. :

i am sure my game/mod will have more success ;']..  but i would have liked working with them .. and be earning easy money ;']
« Last Edit: May 19, 2020, 21:43 by grml4d » Logged
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Re: Quake 2
« Reply #23 on: May 19, 2020, 21:51 »

but here is a recent mod that has very cool lightening and rendering.. wink  :
I see no rendering improvements, no RTX, no shaders. May be you meant better map design?

you should check if they want to hire you..
Thanks, but I have a job Smiley

Sorry, but this thread is about Quake 2 (my mod), but not about Half-Life mods Smiley
Jr. Member
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Re: Quake 2
« Reply #24 on: May 20, 2020, 11:36 »

i know .. but i love the lightening this artist made..  this is not raytracing of course..
you should publish more images to explain to noobs like me what you "exactly" mean : that saves tons of words..
i know you have a job.. but i think i read you are a father.. and your job is badly paid..[ ubisoft are french like me.. they stink : i asked them for the dlls..they have a big office next to my home in montpellier..  but they only are here to make profits.. ]
i was hoping that earning a quick and easy money would have interrested you..  no problemo..

try to explain me how i should do to extract aliens : at this post :,7120.msg36352.html#msg36352

to complete my post there : i mean that you or forum members could "hold" the list of models and games..: so instead of opening a folder : we could use a config by "path and games" in this case i would set a path or a network link and when i "browse" it i only have files that open models.. not "all open able by the viewer" mostly if the result is to have a blank screen..
like i wrote there are 6000 files.. i would not like to test them all one by one for opening 100 models.. what a waste of energy after a lot of users did that...
that you again.. try to find time to do the job for my dlls
« Last Edit: May 20, 2020, 11:40 by grml4d » Logged
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Re: Quake 2
« Reply #25 on: May 21, 2020, 23:50 »

Hi, long time fan of your Quake 2 modification, especially of this feature:

ability to play with maps from other games - Quake 1, Quake 3, Kingpin, Half-Life (engine performs on-fly conversion of the map format during loading process, entity descriptions are also preprocessed)

Any way to save/dump these on-the-fly converted maps?
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Re: Quake 2
« Reply #26 on: May 22, 2020, 10:30 »

No way to export. I'm using super-set of Q1-Q2-Q3 map data for being able to use it for all of them. Actually, at the time when I did that, I had 33kbit internet over phone cable and never heard about 3ds Max or anything else, so there wasn't a question about opening a map anywhere else. I just wanted to play game maps which I've got for other games, with use of existing Q2 mods (we played mostly the Action Quake 2-like mod "Dirty").
Jr. Member
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Re: Quake 2
« Reply #27 on: May 22, 2020, 18:00 »

you puzzle me..
do you write you made a system that reads all maps : from quake "1 to 3" ..?
and is able to play with quake "1 to 3" : others engine ?

or only half of it ? then only able to play with your quake2 tool any maps from quake "1 to 3"  or even hl ?

i am puzzle mostly because i have no luck nor success using what you make as software..  what about the xcom:bureau ? [ i was asking about a post you do not replied ],7120.msg36349.html#msg36349  

i read the 58ko text file of unreal viewer and you talk about using code to decrypt for some games ..  so i ask : do i need a "crypto code" for reading their models ? am i able to find it in my fresh new steam install ?
i would like to work on these models these days as i have time.. because of the virus19

ты меня озадачил ..
ты пишешь, что сделал систему, которая читает все карты: от землетрясения "1 до 3" ..?
и умеет ли играть с землетрясением "от 1 до 3": чужой движок?

или только половина? тогда только в состоянии играть с вашим инструментом quake2 любые карты из землетрясения "от 1 до 3" или даже гл?

Я озадачен главным образом потому, что мне не повезло и не удалось использовать то, что вы делаете в качестве программного обеспечения ... как насчет xcom: bureau? [я спрашивал о посте, на который вы не ответили],7120.msg36349.html#msg36349

Я прочитал текстовый файл 58ko Urnreal Viewer, и вы говорите об использовании кода для расшифровки для некоторых игр ... поэтому я спрашиваю: нужен ли мне "криптографический код" для чтения их моделей? могу ли я найти его в моей новой новой установке steam?
я хотел бы поработать над этими моделями в эти дни, так как у меня есть время .. из-за вируса19
« Last Edit: May 22, 2020, 18:02 by grml4d » Logged
Jr. Member
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Re: Quake 2
« Reply #28 on: May 22, 2020, 20:46 »

may be i do not use the right "free google tool"... when i rethink of your story in ENGLAND ..THAT HAS JUST BR-EXITED from europe ... the pour ruskies living pourly in the capitalism for family$$$$ country...
i can not bear ... more please send a jewish , fast ; i need to cry more and more with stories about others lifes.. living the end of worlds EVERY DAYS....every of them ending the same terminators ...

then i wake up and see WHAT : WAHT WHAT WATT Huh?Huh? !!!!  the upper right corner full of little Y COINS : paypal . visa mastercards diners club  american$$$$$ expre$$$$$$

that smells poor$$$$$$$
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Re: Quake 2
« Reply #29 on: May 23, 2020, 10:43 »

1. This is one of major features of this Quake 2 project - to read Q1-Q3 maps and to play with them using old good Quake 2 Mods. I though you checked screenshots of this project before posting here for the first time?
2. What talking about "xcom:bureau" here?
3. There's no decyptors mentioned in readme, but there are data decompression libraries, which has different purpose.
4. Your second message ... it's outside of my understanding. I see you hate English, but does this mean that I should know the 3rd language and talk French here?
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