Hmm The only thing that keep it impossible, it's game executable in binary. Without that, I will able to run modified packages, because it check the game files and verify in loading screen.
For sure it's better than decompiler and extractor of cooked unreal files.
So meanwhile Learing C++ I have future plans for reverse enningering, expecialy to debug the game.
So if I clean the alogrythm in Debuger that verify the same size of game files, it will work.
Nothing is imposible today, so I still learing, even right now.
I worked last year at UDK and UE4 engine with blueprint and I know how Mods and modding of the released game work.
Basicaly, Texturing games is nothing ambitious than manimulate meshes.
Textures interact easly with game engine like physics, because it's just modified color and material and it can't contribute on game psysics.
The Psysics of released game is already created and can't be changed, so modifying game characters contribute on game psysics wrong, and I get error.
I know, I should pay atention by editing/modeling meshes.
For sure I can't change the bones of character which playing aminations ingame.
And I can't overrite 'colision' for meshes because modified colison will crash physics of the game.