i cant seem to get extractor.exe to extract strangleholdgame.xxx or startup_eng.xxx
I know umodel doesnt support the meshes BUT im afte the music files only .soundnodewaves.
There are soundnodewaves in those two zlib archives.
If possilbe you can update extract.exe to support this archive?
Ok, so Umodel doesn't support music or sound, so if you continue to ask this question, I will have to bump your furture posts. Umodel Does support Meshes for Stranglehold as well as textures. refer to the Umodel Compatibility Chart on the main page. To extract music or sound I have in the past use "EkszBox-XBX", use google to find it. I have only been able to extract sounds from PC games, not XBOX unreal games, as XBOX uses different compression. Get the PC version of the game and try "EkszBox-XBX", with any luck it might work.
That's all about music and sound.
This forum is about Umodel.
..:: ESR911 ::..