Let's say things with their real names
UPK file is a container of multiple small files.
UPK is a container of
objects. These objects are became files only after processing with package extractor (not "exporter") tool.
The individual files are consist of basic data elements, it goes like this:
DWORD dwElementNameIndex
DWORD dwReserve0
DWORD dwElementTypeIndex
DWORD dwReserve1
DWORD dwSize
DWORD dwReserve2
... this looks like single export table entry
Actual Data....
No idea what you mean "actual data". May be you should say - N export table entries followed by N actual object data? (otherwise I don't understand what you're speaking about)
dwElementNameIndex refer to a name in the namelist of upk package, it is the Name of the Elements, for example:"Text"
that's "FName" entry (probably you could find information about it on this forum or inside old EpicGames documentation)
However, in Batman:arkham city, there seems to be some major change.
Now it seems goes like this:
Actual Data....
and it does not relate to the namelist in any obvious way.
So is it really changes,or just I made a mistake....
Wating confirmation.Pls share the information you know, thanks.
I have no information at the moment (I have no new Batman files at all).
Try decompress.exe and extract.exe, also you could try "umodel -list" with forcing game = Batman. If
all these tools would crash then the package format is really changed.