Hello guys
Well we know that more and more Ut3 Engine games are procompressed with different compression schemes like gzip,lzo or lzx and we have still no general decompresser for those containers because the structure can vary from game to game.
Anyway why not start to get a few compression informations together.
I start now with Lzo. The lzo algorithm is always lzo1x .The LZO segments have evertime the magic ending keys 11 00 00.
The Lzo stream beginning is headerless. Decoding possible by hand but takes ages because you have many lzo segments in a file and every game has a little different container structure. Maybe a lzo scanner is possible - scan first for the ending key and then via brureforce for the correct beginning (theory).
Here are lzo files from 5 different games + lzo start/end offsets
http://www.megaupload.com/?d=AZSQ1PK6Have also added a Gears of war 2 file to the pack - Gears of war 2 use lzx - dont know how we can decompress this one.
Any other hints?