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Author Topic: Mass effect 2 (or 3) looking for Liara model  (Read 7824 times)
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Mass effect 2 (or 3) looking for Liara model
« on: March 24, 2012, 01:40 »

Hi all, got ueviewer and actorX working perfectly, no problem there (with me2, not with me3)

However, I cannot seem to find the liara character. The model is not in the shadowbroker dlc, but perhaps in an illium pcc?

Could someone point me to the location, or perhaps even extract the model for me (if you can find it in me3)
Would be very grateful!

Jr. Member
Posts: 54


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Re: Mass effect 2 (or 3) looking for Liara model
« Reply #1 on: March 24, 2012, 08:45 »

Hi all, got ueviewer and actorX working perfectly, no problem there (with me2, not with me3)

However, I cannot seem to find the liara character. The model is not in the shadowbroker dlc, but perhaps in an illium pcc?

Could someone point me to the location, or perhaps even extract the model for me (if you can find it in me3)
Would be very grateful!

In ME2 Liara's model stored in package BioH_Liara_00.pcc (can be founded in Mass Effect 2\BioGame\DLC\DLC_EXP_Part01\CookedPC folder). Same for ME3: BioH_Liara_00.pcc, BioH_Liara_01.pcc. I can't find any difference between Liara from ME2 and Liara from ME3.
« Last Edit: March 24, 2012, 08:47 by RipperOne » Logged
Posts: 3

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Re: Mass effect 2 (or 3) looking for Liara model
« Reply #2 on: March 24, 2012, 15:19 »

Hi there,

I do not exactly have the same probleme but did not see the point of creating a new topic about it, please tell me if I should. In found Ashley's (and Miranda's) model in Mass Effect 3 with no difficulty but while importing it in 3DS Max with ActorX Importer (with the Recurse option) her eyes have no textures, her eyelashes are plain white and her hair is green.

Regarding the eyes I was able to correct that myself since the textures ARE in the Texture2D folder but I just couldn't find out why there isn't any texture for her hair other than the green one. Everything works perfectly well with every other models but the humans seem all messed up.

If you know how to correct that, thank you very much. Smiley

PS: The Reaper in the BioD_End001_Harvester.pcc file isn't reconstructed very well when importing it, I mean that the pieces aren't where they are supposed to be but it's something I can easily correct myself but maybe there is something I did wrong with the ActorX Importer ? Once again, thank you very much for your help.

PPS: I'm using 3DS Max 2010, if you think it could come from that.
« Last Edit: March 24, 2012, 15:26 by Bohrdom » Logged
Jr. Member
Posts: 54


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Re: Mass effect 2 (or 3) looking for Liara model
« Reply #3 on: March 24, 2012, 17:26 »

Hi there,

I do not exactly have the same probleme but did not see the point of creating a new topic about it, please tell me if I should. In found Ashley's (and Miranda's) model in Mass Effect 3 with no difficulty but while importing it in 3DS Max with ActorX Importer (with the Recurse option) her eyes have no textures, her eyelashes are plain white and her hair is green.

Regarding the eyes I was able to correct that myself since the textures ARE in the Texture2D folder but I just couldn't find out why there isn't any texture for her hair other than the green one. Everything works perfectly well with every other models but the humans seem all messed up.

If you know how to correct that, thank you very much. Smiley

PS: The Reaper in the BioD_End001_Harvester.pcc file isn't reconstructed very well when importing it, I mean that the pieces aren't where they are supposed to be but it's something I can easily correct myself but maybe there is something I did wrong with the ActorX Importer ? Once again, thank you very much for your help.

PPS: I'm using 3DS Max 2010, if you think it could come from that.
About missing character's textures: they can be founded in BIOG_HMF_HED_PROMorph_R.pcc All female characters have their unique lashes textures, the eyes textures can be founded in this package too. Lashes textures should be used only as opacity mask. About "green hair" - i'm not sure about this, but it looks like bioware used this textures in complex shader. Try to use this texture as tint mask and send black color to green channel. It should work.
Posts: 3

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Re: Mass effect 2 (or 3) looking for Liara model
« Reply #4 on: March 24, 2012, 17:53 »

Thank you for your quick answer, I'll try that as soon as I can and let you know if it worked. Wink

PS: By the way, would you know in which file are located all the shared animations ?
« Last Edit: March 24, 2012, 17:58 by Bohrdom » Logged
Jr. Member
Posts: 54


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Re: Mass effect 2 (or 3) looking for Liara model
« Reply #5 on: March 24, 2012, 18:37 »

Thank you for your quick answer, I'll try that as soon as I can and let you know if it worked. Wink

PS: By the way, would you know in which file are located all the shared animations ?
What do you mean "Shared"? Combat animations? I'm not sure but i think they located in biog_... packages.
Posts: 3

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Re: Mass effect 2 (or 3) looking for Liara model
« Reply #6 on: March 24, 2012, 19:43 »

Well, since there are only a few animations in the characters .pcc I assumed there was a file in which are stored every other animations that are shared by all the characters. I'll look into those BioG_... packages.
Posts: 2

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Re: Mass effect 2 (or 3) looking for Liara model
« Reply #7 on: March 24, 2012, 21:05 »

Hi all, got ueviewer and actorX working perfectly, no problem there (with me2, not with me3)

However, I cannot seem to find the liara character. The model is not in the shadowbroker dlc, but perhaps in an illium pcc?

Could someone point me to the location, or perhaps even extract the model for me (if you can find it in me3)
Would be very grateful!

In ME2 Liara's model stored in package BioH_Liara_00.pcc (can be founded in Mass Effect 2\BioGame\DLC\DLC_EXP_Part01\CookedPC folder). Same for ME3: BioH_Liara_00.pcc, BioH_Liara_01.pcc. I can't find any difference between Liara from ME2 and Liara from ME3.

Thanks for the quick reply! Now I can continue my project!
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