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Author Topic: Exporting ME1 audio and dialogue  (Read 6587 times)
The Fobbinger
Posts: 13

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Exporting ME1 audio and dialogue
« on: October 08, 2012, 08:01 »

Hello everyone,

I have a question about Mass Effect 1, specifically how to correctly export audio and dialogue files from upk packages.
I tried to use the UE Viewer to do that with the following command line (with the file nor10_doctor_N.upk):
unmodel -export -sounds nor10_doctor_N.upk

Here is an example of the output I get for each SoundNodeWave file within the .upk:
Loading SoundNodeWave nor10_doctor:VO_93357_M from package nor10_doctor_N.upk
WARNING: FloatProperty "SoundNodeWave::Volume" was not found
WARNING: FloatProperty "SoundNodeWave::Duration" was not found
WARNING: FloatProperty "SoundNodeWave::BioStreamingData" was not found

When the program is through all the files, it comes up with this error message:
Loaded in 0.2 sec, 731 allocs, 0.12 MBytes serialized in 29808 cells.
Exporting objects ...
Exporting SoundNodeWave nor10_doctor:VO_101467 to .\nor10_doctor_N\SoundNodeWave

******** nor10_doctor_N.upk ********
*** ERROR: Access violation <C0000005> at umodel.exe+0xB36E
ExportObject:SoundNodeWave'nor10_doctor:VO_101467' <- Main

By the way, viewing and exporting other stuff like e.g. textures from ME1 works fine for me.

So here are my questions:
What do I do wrong/Do I even use the right files?
Is the UE Viewer capable of exporting ME1 sound or do I have to use another program?
If so, is there another program and where could I find it?

I am sorry if this has been discussed before but it is really hard to find stuff on ME1 because if you search for it, you always come up with hundrets of results for ME2 and 3 but nothing for ME1. Thanks for any help and cheers!
Jr. Member
Posts: 54


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Re: Exporting ME1 audio and dialogue
« Reply #1 on: October 12, 2012, 23:37 »

Try to use Dragon Unpacker. If i am correct, UE Viewer does not support sounds from ME1.
The Fobbinger
Posts: 13

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Re: Exporting ME1 audio and dialogue
« Reply #2 on: October 13, 2012, 14:04 »

Woohooo!!! That worked. Cheers mate!

It's probably worth noting that the .upk files were not the right ones to look at anyway. Apparently ME1 stores the actual sound in .isb files. They can be found in the folder .\Mass Effect\BioGame\CookedPC\Packages\ISACT\
And you'll have to use HyperRipper (in the Dragon Unpacker 5 menu).
Just if anyone else wants to try this.
« Last Edit: December 02, 2012, 03:40 by The Fobbinger » Logged
Posts: 3

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Re: Exporting ME1 audio and dialogue
« Reply #3 on: April 24, 2014, 04:56 »

If you just drag nor10_doctor_N.upk over extract.exe, you'll find it here:

You'll have all the files and paste inside it. All *.cue files and others.

I've been noosing inside to see if I could translate the dialogs for my language,
but only succeed with the GlobalTlk. The dialog, conversation throughout the game,
it doesn´t allow somehow. I've been changing in the dialogs paste and in the
Maps paste, you can visualize the *.sfm with with ME1 Explorer and can extract
with Gildor's extract.exe too, but unfortunately, coudn't be able to find out where
the damn shit go and show the original language in the subtitles on the screen.
« Last Edit: April 24, 2014, 21:03 by zezaomachado » Logged
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