You ought to post this error message in your first message.
This game definitely has changed package format.
Mmh? We're not the same person °°
About the game: I supose you won't be able to look through it? Beside:
There's no startup_int_package, the only package is a "Package_Case.upk" file.
game executable; note: I need non-encrypted file! For the PC it should contain a few "key" strings in ANSI and Unicode - one of them is a "USkeletalMesh". If this string is not present in the file - it is encrypted and useless for me.
For XBox360 executable is usually (or always?) named as "default.xex". It is encrypted, but decoder is available.
Since i'm ignorant... i tried to open both the launcher and game.exe with notepad++ but no "USkeletalMesh" string was in there...