I'm working on an importer for psk files into blender, it pretty much works so far but im wondering about how UE2 handles bone connections. When connecting the bones from their position to their parent this leads to some bones pointing in the wrong direction as seen in the screenshot. Bip01_R_Thigh goes from its position towards its parent in the center of the model, however it should actually be going from its position downwards to Bip01_R_Calf.
UE Viewer and also the ingame skeleton viewer show this the same way but i assume this is not how it works internally for the animations since the bones are pointing in the wrong direction like this. From what i saw the ActorX Importer gets those bones correctly and there was no connection to the parent bone here, although i may be wrong there since 3ds max runs rather bad in virtual box.
Fixing this for my uses in the import script isnt much of an issue but i wonder how does the unreal engine handle this internally? Does it not connect the bones to their parents or is there some other dark magic being used? ^^