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Author Topic: command line problems with umodel linux  (Read 5625 times)
Jr. Member
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command line problems with umodel linux
« on: June 28, 2014, 10:36 »

first of all : nice to find your software
i found it because i was searching for the sandman model . i would like to use it as a "l4d2_boomer" model replacement .
this morning i installed your software on mint17 m it requires to add libsdl 1.2:i386
but i have a lot of problems , i use ./umodel -view /path/../file
most of the time i got a cube , i looked in the gallery and tried to load joker's girlfriend :,1#batman
with : ./umodel -view /media/jc/XP_X79/Batman/BmGame/CookedPC/Maps/Cells/Cell_B1.umap

but i only get a box with textures badly applied

may be that would help if you write the cmd line you used to display the model ? and if umodel become able to check a game folder and show what files it is able to show and convert .

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Re: command line problems with umodel linux
« Reply #1 on: June 28, 2014, 13:30 »

Look at screenshots - they all have names of opened package on top left corner. Just find that file and open it with umodel. Most likely the package you're trying to open has only textures (on your screenshot you may see a lightmap texture).
Jr. Member
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Re: command line problems with umodel linux
« Reply #2 on: June 28, 2014, 15:16 »

i saw the name of file / model in the upper left side of the screenshots , i tried with it as i was always having box .
i tried with the windows umodel and i have the same display result .

i post screen capture :

names are the same but render is not ;']

if i use :  ./umodel -view /media/jc/XP_X79/Batman/BmGame/CookedPC/Packages/Characters/BatmanDamage1_SF.upk
then i get :

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Re: command line problems with umodel linux
« Reply #3 on: June 28, 2014, 16:38 »

Just installed the game from Steam. BatmanDamage1_SF.upk doesn't have anything except that untextured mesh. But Cell_B1.umap has a number of meshes. Just use <PageUp>/<PageDown> keys, and add "-meshes" option to exclude textures from view.
Jr. Member
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Re: command line problems with umodel linux
« Reply #4 on: June 28, 2014, 17:39 »

i tried again with the meshes parameter , it shows now but not the same as your screenshoots
here is a gun instead of the croc

i found half of croc :

but not its pants .

your captured screen shows a lot more than mine and with anims info .]"8
some of your models look like they are using multiple umap files .

that could be cool to see all models and textures of game and create some by "drag and drop"
do you plan to do that ? even if that requires a lot of space on drive ?

i have the 3 batman arkhams and i ll be pleased to see all the models in thumbnails .
[beside sandman , i also want to replace the witch by the catwoman .]
Jr. Member
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Re: command line problems with umodel linux
« Reply #5 on: June 29, 2014, 12:09 »

i looked a lot of files and some models are made with multiple parts , like clayface in batman2 . how can i make the model to have his 2 arms ?
for the rest , may be you should create some batch mode to show all files of folders ,  one by one with a timer . the user seeing models being able to save a selections using the right click of mouse . i mean : he sees models , when he right click : umodel adds the command line with the filename having the model to a text file .
so at end user can check his models quickly .i should look like noob but for bureau xcom , cookedpcconsole has nearly 2000 upk files with not-so-much=talking-name ;'] , same goes with batman3 and its 2400 files so may be 10000 models
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Re: command line problems with umodel linux
« Reply #6 on: June 29, 2014, 12:17 »

i looked a lot of files and some models are made with multiple parts , like clayface in batman2 . how can i make the model to have his 2 arms ?
for the rest , may be you should create some batch mode to show all files of folders ,  one by one with a timer .
For lazy people? Smiley
i should look like noob but for bureau xcom , cookedpcconsole has nearly 2000 upk files with not-so-much=talking-name ;'] , same goes with batman3 and its 2400 files so may be 10000 models
Not every file in UE3 holds models. Plus, models are usually duplicated. Use batch exporter with "uncook" option, and then you may find models easily. But you'll need some software which will open .psk files - or you'll need to find a way of launching Win64 version of 3ds Max on Linux.

Usual recommendation for finding models: sort upk files by size, and start looking from largest. You may also disable material/texture viewing with "-meshes" option, and disable StaticMesh loading with "-nostat". This will significantly reduce amount of content to view.
Jr. Member
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Re: command line problems with umodel linux
« Reply #7 on: June 29, 2014, 13:59 »

i saw your videos tutorial ...but they are really not made for noob like me .
you type in console and on the keyboard but what is written on the screen is only visible when in full that requires at least 2 monitors .
may be you can create new one and use the windows screen keyboard to manipulate the 3D windows and type slowly in the console .
[the second video-lesson is killing me : you add a lot of objects to the girl model at the speed of light] [ i have a second pc with 2 monitors so i will try tonight , here the temps are near 35 during day ]

my idea to have a display of all models is not meaning lazy but is for helping to see them all instead of selecting by size and loosing some models .
plus the idea of typing all names of models is really terrifying me because they have no sens so i will make mistakes and retype and finally loose a lot of time and energy while a good software can handle it without suffering .

for the "duplicates" , i saw that with page up/down  , as in console it shows some others filenames i was wondering why i was seeing some with nearly all file in the commandline of umodel
i will try the batch exporter .

another question , do you have or know a software that is able to quickly convert the model from unreal3 to the valve-source engine of l4d2 ?
or someone that did it ? by now i found one mod where the l4dtank is using a wolf model , so i ll be able to ask how they inserted the anims to their 3d model , but i am not against a faster solution 8']
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Re: command line problems with umodel linux
« Reply #8 on: June 29, 2014, 23:42 »

another question , do you have or know a software that is able to quickly convert the model from unreal3 to the valve-source engine of l4d2 ?
or someone that did it ? by now i found one mod where the l4dtank is using a wolf model , so i ll be able to ask how they inserted the anims to their 3d model , but i am not against a faster solution 8']
I think you should use 3ds Max.
Jr. Member
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Re: command line problems with umodel linux
« Reply #9 on: July 01, 2014, 21:01 »

3ds max is not that best [ but may be i should use : ActorX Importer pluggins ? ], i mean that it will force me to work with source files . i was imagining you could create a double pane software one for the unreal model and the second for the source model . the panels having the lists of anims of the two models . so it would make easy to translate some anims from one game to the other .
if i take an example :
mr sandman rolling [ in the theater of batman2 ] and exploding anim would be selected to be the boomer attack . this tool would reduce a lot the anim to create with 3ds

to be back on umodel : when there is a space : " " in path i have to use quotes : " " or that does not work [ i know that old dos error but may be you should write it in the help ]

i also tried to use * in names for umodel to open a lot of files one by one , but that fails too .

i did not tested option uncook , does that create a folder with the name of the original model ?
i did not tested yet on batman , i downloaded marvel heroes and dc online : they are free and having plenty of models . so much heroes that i want to add some in the "infected crowd" when it will come to replace them .
these games are having some terrific intro espcialy dc online . one thing is that their cookedpc folder is very very big bytes and 37300 files for dc ; bytes 9300 files for marvel ...
after seeing that , i told me that you should make a multithreaded software for decoding and displaying models .
i have a dual cpu mainboard made last xmas , thanks to ebay for cheap , with 2 xenon 6 cores : 24 cpu and 48 Go ram for testing

you could make a display system of a big square in the center and some squares around it [ like as much as cpu threads ] . the user taking from little squares the files he wants to reuse later or decode by a "drag n drop" in the center square . the multi squares system could be used also to show all files of upk in tinier square something that would look a bit like :
the red and green big squares of that pic :

coming from this tool :
« Last Edit: July 01, 2014, 21:22 by grml4d » Logged
Hero Member
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Re: command line problems with umodel linux
« Reply #10 on: July 01, 2014, 21:40 »

to be back on umodel : when there is a space : " " in path i have to use quotes : " " or that does not work [ i know that old dos error but may be you should write it in the help ]
when you have spaces in path, you must use quotes
i also tried to use * in names for umodel to open a lot of files one by one , but that fails too .
multiple files should be specified one-by-one, with -pkg=<additional file> options
i did not tested option uncook , does that create a folder with the name of the original model ?
when this is possible; this will not work for some games, like Blade & Soul - their programmes changed UE3 cooking system
... after seeing that , i told me that you should make a multithreaded software for decoding and displaying models .
i have a dual cpu mainboard made last xmas , thanks to ebay for cheap , with 2 xenon 6 cores : 24 cpu and 48 Go ram for testing
my laptop has 4 cores, by the way I see no reason for adding multithreading to umodel - not for this kind of software
you could make a display system of a big square in the center and some squares around it [ like as much as cpu threads ] . the user taking from little squares the files he wants to reuse later or decode by a "drag n drop" in the center square ...
this is a viewer, not package organizer Smiley
Jr. Member
Posts: 45

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Re: command line problems with umodel linux
« Reply #11 on: July 02, 2014, 10:34 »

my idea of multithread is in fact only for opening multiple files , so one thread per file [ and per cpu ] , at least that could be used with the parameter -pkg . that should help to have files opened faster .
my idea of squares is more for a selection of interesting models or the view of all things inside one ore more upk files .
in case of selection of a square / file , then a new thread is launched to show the "next file" in it .
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