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Author Topic: UModel exporting loses multiskin assigments?  (Read 6645 times)
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UModel exporting loses multiskin assigments?
« on: November 13, 2015, 07:08 »

I'm attempting to import an existing dragon model from UT2K4 into Unreal. Using UModel, I can open the SkeletalMesh and see that by selecting "M" that the model uses two textures. I exported everything and then imported the resulting psa/psk files.

Everything went fine. The animations are there, everything is good. The only issue I'm having is that there now seems to be a single texture assignment across the entire model. It seems to have lost the data over which polys are to be texture one and which are texture two. Am I exporting it incorrectly? Does UModel retain the texture assignments/flags on all the polys or is it defaulting to a single one?

Thank you for this tool. I've used it countless times but I've ran into this several times now. I usually try to texture around it but the dragon needs to have some polys flagged as masked, etc (which they are in the viewer).

Appreciate any help you might have. I've been looking on the board now for a couple of hours with no seeming answer.
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Re: UModel exporting loses multiskin assigments?
« Reply #1 on: November 13, 2015, 13:31 »

When you press <M> key, there's information about number of triangles used by each material. May be that material has 0 triangles? (I seen that for some meshes)
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Re: UModel exporting loses multiskin assigments?
« Reply #2 on: November 13, 2015, 14:45 »

Wow, fast response  Shocked

They list fine it appears. Texture 0 has 2292 tris, texture 1 has 1040. I've really researched this and I'm trying hard to find a solution. I'll post back if I can get it worked out. I'd really like to have this model correct as I've already done a large part of the AI coding for it already. I never thought this would be such an issue to deal with. Your tool works so solidly on everything else it just makes me think that I'm missing an import line somewhere, though I can find no google reference to that anywhere.
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Re: UModel exporting loses multiskin assigments?
« Reply #3 on: November 13, 2015, 14:50 »

Not so fast, but that was 6am at my location Smiley
So, you've exported a psk and loading it somewhere. What are you doing exactly? Why do you think that resulting mesh has only 1 material?
You may check psk with my "SkelEdit" tool - it also has capability to show materials with color.
Also - I have UT2004 installed, so - could you tell me the name of package and mesh, so I'll verify that by myself (in a case this is a bug in my software)
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Re: UModel exporting loses multiskin assigments?
« Reply #4 on: November 13, 2015, 18:25 »

Sure. I'll link you, that's probably easiest. This is the model I'm using:
I extract the information using UModel then immediately import it into Unreal. When it gets into the Unreal engine it has discarded all material flags like 'masked' and every texture defaults to skin 'zero'. Everything else is fine though. Anims are all there, model is solid, no issues.

I've seen this problem before. I imported some Killing Floor monsters into Unreal:;start=15;action=threadpagetext;reversetopic=0  and these had the same problem. I just worked around the texture problem but with the dragons it's not going to work.

If you take time to look at this you won't be wasting it. I do a lot of development work for the Unreal engine and I make a lot of things for people to use. There's another long-time dev in the community that would love this fix too as he does a ton of asset import and can't fix this either.

Thanks again!
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Re: UModel exporting loses multiskin assigments?
« Reply #5 on: November 13, 2015, 19:32 »

So ... I've tested that ukx file. The resulting psk, psa and textures looks fine. I've tested them in SkelEdit and 3ds Max - everything is correct. Then I've imported all of those into UT2004 - and it works well too. Of course I was forced to map materials in UnrealEd by hands - there are 2 slots for them, as it should be. No problems for me at all.
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Re: UModel exporting loses multiskin assigments?
« Reply #6 on: November 14, 2015, 04:01 »

Ah dammit. That means there is something going wrong on the import on my end. I sincerely appreciate you taking the time to try and check and then follow up here. You sir are a quality dude.

I'll post to the Epic forums and see if someone can guide me there. When I find the answer (and I will!) I'll be sure to post back with the proper protocol. It's super helpful that you have totally ruled out any export issues.

Thanks again kind sir!
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Re: UModel exporting loses multiskin assigments?
« Reply #7 on: November 14, 2015, 05:48 »

<Wasn't sure if you wanted me to modify my post or create a new one so I made a new one. I apologize if this is against the forum rules.>

OK, I found a solution. If I import the psk in Milkshape then export it back out it fixes the textural assignments. I have no idea why it works but it sure does. I didn't need to do anything to the model while in Milkshape, I just literally took 30 seconds to run it in and back out. Once I did that I compiled the mod again and the textures were correct. That means there is something weird about Unreal that isn't the same in UT2004 and Milkshape fixes whatever that is.

Thank you again Gildor. I hope this helps put your mind at ease that your software has a bug.
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Re: UModel exporting loses multiskin assigments?
« Reply #8 on: November 14, 2015, 10:12 »

You may send me both psk files so I'll compare them and see what differs.
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Re: UModel exporting loses multiskin assigments?
« Reply #9 on: November 14, 2015, 18:51 »

I sent you both psk via PM. BTW Milkshape fixes the textural assignments but it still loses any flags a poly might have like 'masked' or 'two-sided'. Still, it's a huge step in the right direction.
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Re: UModel exporting loses multiskin assigments?
« Reply #10 on: November 14, 2015, 19:44 »

Please try newer version of UModel.

Regarding lost flags: these flags are used only for first Unreal engine version. In UT2004 everything is done with materials, not just textures. UModel loads such flags for UT99 meshes, but I think it ignores those from UT2004.
How to restore them. Load mesh into Max, and re-save it with ActorX plugin. I've checked plugin's source code and found that flags are generated according to material's name. Some rules:
  • to make material two-sided, include "twosid" or "doublesid" into the material's name
  • to make is masked, add "mask" into the name
  • to make it translucent, add "trans"
  • to use alpha-channel, add "alph"

Hope this helps.
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Re: UModel exporting loses multiskin assigments?
« Reply #11 on: November 15, 2015, 04:06 »

You fixed it! You are da MAN! I just test exported a couple of models and they retain the texture assignments. I hugely appreciate your explanation above and I'll be copy/pasting it to a couple of Unreal develop forums where we talk about this sort of thing. You made a bunch of people super happy today Smiley  I'd expect a bunch of downloads as soon as everyone finds out.

Thank you!
Hero Member
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Re: UModel exporting loses multiskin assigments?
« Reply #12 on: November 16, 2015, 02:12 »

You fixed it!
Nice Smiley You're welcome!
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Re: UModel exporting loses multiskin assigments?
« Reply #13 on: November 23, 2015, 01:09 »

Just wanted to follow up with you Gildor. The model looks FANTASTIC and in about two more weeks it's going to burn a wide path through the Unreal universe Smiley

Thanks again for sticking with me until the problem was solved. You are a rare individual.
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Re: UModel exporting loses multiskin assigments?
« Reply #14 on: November 23, 2015, 01:11 »

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