This game is a unreal 1 title thats not listed in you support list at all.
the meshes contained within the files are standard skeletal mesh files ,
can you support the games files?
its not really important, but i see its not in your list
you get this error when you try currently
Trying to allocate -288 bytes
appMalloc:size=-288 <- FArray::Empty:-18 x 16 <- TArray::SerializeSimple <- AnalogTrack<< <- TArray::Serialize:2/143 <- MotionChunk<< <- TArray::Serialize:0/64 <- UMeshAnimation.Serialize <- LoadObject:MeshAnimation'HPModels.skHarryQuidAnims', pos=E99C, ver=79/0, game=1000 <- UObject::EndLoad <- LoadWholePackage:HPModels <- CUmodelApp::ShowPackageUI <- Main:umodel_version=413
here is a package from the game that comtains meshes. of these skeletal mesh are non animated , skeletal was used for static decorations