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Author Topic: Umodel export to UDK T3DPGK format  (Read 22168 times)
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Umodel export to UDK T3DPGK format
« on: December 04, 2009, 17:08 »

Question for gildor:

Have you considered exporting Materials to T3DPGK format? It's a text based format and supports textures, materials and even StaticMeshes.

I wrote my own tool (for Arkham Asylum) for this and here is an example output:
- the stuff between 'Begin Binary' and 'End Binary' is the first miplevel converted to a png file as hex...

Begin TopLevelPackage Class=Package Name=BAA_EngineMaterials Archetype=Package'Core.Default__Package'
End TopLevelPackage
Begin PackageTexture ParentPackage=BAA_EngineMaterials
   Begin Texture Class=Texture2D Name=DefaultNormal ObjName=DefaultNormal Archetype=Texture2D'Engine.Default__Texture2D'
      Begin TextureData
         Begin SourceArt
            Begin UntypedBulkData
               Begin BinaryBlob
                  Begin Binary
                  End Binary
               End BinaryBlob
            End UntypedBulkData
         End SourceArt
         Begin Texture2DData
         End Texture2DData
      End TextureData
   End Texture
End PackageTexture
Begin PackageTexture ParentPackage=BAA_EngineMaterials
   Begin Texture Class=Texture2D Name=DefaultDiffuse ObjName=DefaultDiffuse Archetype=Texture2D'Engine.Default__Texture2D'
      Begin TextureData
         Begin SourceArt
            Begin UntypedBulkData
               Begin BinaryBlob
                  Begin Binary
                  End Binary
               End BinaryBlob
            End UntypedBulkData
         End SourceArt
         Begin Texture2DData
         End Texture2DData
      End TextureData
   End Texture
End PackageTexture
Begin PackageMaterial ParentPackage=BAA_EngineMaterials
   Begin Material Class=Material Name=DefaultMaterial ObjName=DefaultMaterial Archetype=Material'Engine.Default__Material'
      Begin MaterialData
         Begin ExpressionObjectList
            Begin Object Class=MaterialExpressionTextureSample Name=MaterialExpressionTextureSample0
            End Object
            Begin Object Class=MaterialExpressionTextureSample Name=MaterialExpressionTextureSample2
            End Object
         End ExpressionObjectList
         Begin ExpressionList
         End ExpressionList
         Begin ReferencedTextureList
         End ReferencedTextureList
      End MaterialData
   End Material
End PackageMaterial

I have uploaded a complete example here:

This file also contains a StaticMesh, the Binary data for StaticMeshes is like this:

struct StaticMeshElement
      Vector3 Position1;
      Vector3 Position2;
      Vector3 Position3;
      float UVs1[8];
      float UVs2[8];
      float UVs3[8];
      int VertexColor1; // D3DCOLOR
      int VertexColor2; // D3DCOLOR
      int VertexColor3; // D3DCOLOR
      int ElementIndex;
      int MaxFragmentIndex; // ? always 0
      int SmoothingGroup; // flag (0x1, 0x2, 0x4, etc), max group 32
      int NumUVs;
      int Unknown[28]; // unused, maybe shadow map stuff, all 0

You need to compute the smoothing group from the normals to make things look good...
my own tool does this by
- finding duplicate vertices (positions and normal),
- finding all edges sharing 2 vertices,
- and treating all faces which share edges as smoothing group
- reduce the number of smoothing group to max 32 by assigning the same index to groups that are not adjacent

Your PSK export should also calculate new smoothing groups from the normals. I do this using the same method as for staticmeshes and the normals generated on import into UDK look a bit better (more sharp edges where they should be)
« Last Edit: December 04, 2009, 17:21 by DerPlaya78 » Logged
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Re: Umodel export to UDK T3DPGK format
« Reply #1 on: December 04, 2009, 17:22 »

It looks like UT3 has no support for this format (too old UE3 version?)

What's the reason to support one more export format?
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Re: Umodel export to UDK T3DPGK format
« Reply #2 on: December 04, 2009, 17:25 »

Your PSK export should also calculate new smoothing groups from the normals
My PSK exporter sets SmoothingGroups to 0. It is not used by 3ds Max and looks like UE3 UnrealEd is also ignored this field.
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Re: Umodel export to UDK T3DPGK format
« Reply #3 on: December 04, 2009, 17:30 »

...not true for arkham asylum... (and udk)
It's impossible to recreate the smoothing groups 100%, but the results are visible...

The reason to support this format would be StaticMesh export.
This is not a request, only a suggestions, as I mentioned I'm only interested in BAA at the moment and have my own (not usable by others) tool for this.
« Last Edit: December 04, 2009, 17:32 by DerPlaya78 » Logged
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Re: Umodel export to UDK T3DPGK format
« Reply #4 on: December 04, 2009, 17:42 »

Thank you for suggestion, I'll keep it in mind.
Does this format (T3DPGK) supported by the latest UE3 version only (UDK)?

Currently I'm focused on renderer (but I have no free time for almost 2 weeks Sad) "Exporter" is not a primary part of Unreal Model Viewer, so it has a lower priority for me Smiley
Anyway, UE3 StaticMeshes are not supported at the moment.

Does SmoothingGroups really required for UDK UnrealEd when importing SkeletalMesh'es ?
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Re: Umodel export to UDK T3DPGK format
« Reply #5 on: December 04, 2009, 17:50 »

I don't know exactly when this format was introduced but udk supports it and its based on t3d format which is supported since unreal engine 1...

I use only UDK (because Arkham Asylum has no editor...) so I don't know for sure...

Here is an example of a psk file exported by my tool...

I'm at work now and can't post screenshots but there is a slight difference when you import this and a file exported with umodel into udk...

It looks closer to the mesh rendered when you use the normals stored in the package file...

The difference is mostly visible when importing StaticMeshes, SkeletalMesh import does some smoothing of it's own...
« Last Edit: December 04, 2009, 17:52 by DerPlaya78 » Logged
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Re: Umodel export to UDK T3DPGK format
« Reply #6 on: December 04, 2009, 18:02 »

Here is an example of a psk file exported by my tool...
Are you made analogue of umodel?
It looks closer to the mesh rendered when you use the normals stored in the package file...
I cannot use normals from the package because UE3 has changed its format a few times Sad
Umodel regenerates normals by itself.
The difference is mostly visible when importing StaticMeshes, SkeletalMesh import does some smoothing of it's own...
Umodel uses incorrect algorithm for merging vertices for UE3 meshes. It will be fixed later.
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Re: Umodel export to UDK T3DPGK format
« Reply #7 on: December 04, 2009, 18:20 »

- my tool only extracts files, it's not a viewer (written in c#, hard to do a viewer...)

the normals for arkam asylum SkeletalMesh format are stored in the wedges:

struct Wedge
    Vector3 Position;
    int Tangent; // D3DCOLOR (expanded to float -1. - 1.)
    int Normal; // D3DCOLOR (expanded to float -1. - 1.)
    int BlendIndices; // D3DCOLOR or byte[4]
    int BlendWeights; // D3DCOLOR
    half U;  // is float when bUseFullPrecisionUV is true, not in BAA
    half V;  // is float when bUseFullPrecisionUV is true, not in BAA

I wondered what vertex merging algorithm you use, because all combinations which I tried yielded different results....
« Last Edit: December 04, 2009, 18:24 by DerPlaya78 » Logged
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Re: Umodel export to UDK T3DPGK format
« Reply #8 on: December 04, 2009, 18:33 »

the normals for arkam asylum SkeletalMesh format are stored in the wedges:
Older UE3 versions uses 3 normal components (has Binormal). Also, it may have different float->byte encoding. So I've decided to not use normals and generate them by myself.

I wondered what vertex merging algorithm you use, because all combinations which I tried yielded different results....
I'm comparing vertex position and vertex normal, and merge verts when position is identical and normal is "almost identical". But this algorithm failed on texture seams. I've not discovered the reason of this (not checked it enough).
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Re: Umodel export to UDK T3DPGK format
« Reply #9 on: December 04, 2009, 18:59 » I understand why I have different vertex counts after merging... I was pulling my hair out Wink, trying to get as close to your exported models as possible... I'm only interested in BAA and it uses the format i posted on all SkeletalMeshes I tried (and I think I tried them all)

Thanks for umodel anyway... at least I don't have to figure out the animation format myself Smiley

...I think smoothing groups are only used by StaticMeshes then...
When I import StaticMeshes in UDK they only look right if I assign Smoothing groups, merging Vertices is not enough (tried with ASE format and T3DPKG). I assumed this is the same for PSK files but perhaps it's enough to weld vertices for this format...
« Last Edit: December 04, 2009, 19:10 by DerPlaya78 » Logged
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Re: Umodel export to UDK T3DPGK format
« Reply #10 on: December 06, 2009, 11:46 » I understand why I have different vertex counts after merging... I was pulling my hair out Wink, trying to get as close to your exported models as possible... I'm only interested in BAA and it uses the format i posted on all SkeletalMeshes I tried (and I think I tried them all)

Thanks for umodel anyway... at least I don't have to figure out the animation format myself Smiley

...I think smoothing groups are only used by StaticMeshes then...
When I import StaticMeshes in UDK they only look right if I assign Smoothing groups, merging Vertices is not enough (tried with ASE format and T3DPKG). I assumed this is the same for PSK files but perhaps it's enough to weld vertices for this format...

Your tool is too cool, and I don't say that lightly. I have a sneaky suspicion that many games use the same StaticMesh format. I would like to help you test the other games, as I have many  Grin. Please consider either posting your tool, or PM'ing me with it as I would love to test it with other UT3 games. Does your extract extract PSK with bones and weighting? that would be amazing if it could.

Also you may want to look at the full maps if possible and see what you can do about that? Although StaticMeshes are like 95% of all maps.

I would also like to keep track of what games StaticMesh support works for so everyone is kept up to date.

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Re: Umodel export to UDK T3DPGK format
« Reply #11 on: December 07, 2009, 14:22 »

It's not in a very usable state right now (no gui or command line, started from directly from visual studio...) and it's very specific to arkham asylum. It reads the classes, enums etc. from engine.u and core.u etc., this is almost always different from game to game...
I can only post it as is, without any explanation or comment... if you know c# and find your way around (it's a bit bloated, alot of unused/untested/buggy stuff)...

There are some UDK issues too:
- UDK import is a bit flaky, you can't import files bigger than a few MBs (testet 100MB), and after each import you have to restart UDK or it crashes with a out of memory exception...

- Some classes like texturecube, texturemovies, etc. have to imported differently because there is not T3DPKG format for them (.bik movies...)

Don't complain about the quality of the code Wink or if you computer explodes by using it...
Also I don't have a lot of time lately, so no requests for features, bugfixes or documentation...

- main program is DumpPackage.
- it expects a 'list.txt' file with map names...
- you have to change the baseDir in Program.cs to a valid one...
- don't try it on UT3 or UDK, it won't work without changing stuff (checks engine version and cooker version)


new version (still source only), fixed some bugs (psk skeleton, flipped vertices y-axis so umodel psa files are compatible).

some pics of stuff imported into udk:
« Last Edit: December 10, 2009, 02:20 by DerPlaya78 » Logged
Re: Umodel export to UDK T3DPGK format
« Reply #12 on: January 10, 2012, 22:32 »

Can you upload your DumpPackage - link is dead...
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