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Author Topic: More to the .pcc  (Read 4432 times)
More to the .pcc
« on: April 23, 2010, 22:01 »

Let me start by saying what a wonderful program you have gildor. I have been using the model viewer for extracting different assets from mass effect 2 to work with in UDK.

I was just going to bring up a couple things I have noticed.

From what I can tell, the exporter is not exporting everything it could be, as far as animations and meshes go.
I have looked through about every single pcc file and have yet to find a good majority of the standard animations that I know are there. I know there are cinematic animations that you can find in various pccs starting with "BioA_" , but they are not standard.

It just exports a standard set of psas that I get from extracting every other pcc file.

For example, If I export everything from a certain pcc file, I would get a set of psas that are completely irrelevant to the pcc file that I am extracting, but are the same ones I get with every other pcc file.

Just wandering if you plan to dig deeper into how the pcc files are put together, because I know for a fact they are what hold more animations, different facefx assets, as well as sound effects not contained in the afc files.


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Re: More to the .pcc
« Reply #1 on: April 23, 2010, 23:40 »

It's artist's decision - where to put animations and where to put meshes. They are can be placed into different packages, single animation set may be used to animate different meshes from different packages. It is not an umodel error - this is UE architecture. Check other files and you will find all animations.
Possibly you have seen prerendered cinematic - in that case animations may be missing at all.
Re: More to the .pcc
« Reply #2 on: April 24, 2010, 00:32 »

Im not sure how familiar you are with different Mass effect animations within udk, so It may be harder to explain.

But there are known sets that they use:

-Cinematic(Not pre-rendered, but specific animations for a certain cinematic)
  -These animations are useless for the most part, because they are miles off null and are designed to work for some other program Bioware must have coded in.

  -These include the different in game animations such as combat, idle, and different npc or talking animations that they use.
  -All these animations start with the name of the character(HMM for human male, HMF for human female, etc) and then one of the following:

So far I can easily get at the cinematic ones, because all the pccs are lined up with different sections of scenes. But I have yet to even spot any of the standard animations when I know they have to be somewhere.

For example, I extracted a Human Female package, and it only extracted HMM_CB animations. So far, every single package I have extracted, it only extracts the HMM_CB animations.

 I have no idea though, I know its nothing wrong with umodel, I am just trying to figure out why bioware arranged everything so oddly, and where they hid these.


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Re: More to the .pcc
« Reply #3 on: April 24, 2010, 04:19 »

Im not sure how familiar you are with different Mass effect animations within udk, so It may be harder to explain.

But there are known sets that they use:

-Cinematic(Not pre-rendered, but specific animations for a certain cinematic)
  -These animations are useless for the most part, because they are miles off null and are designed to work for some other program Bioware must have coded in.

  -These include the different in game animations such as combat, idle, and different npc or talking animations that they use.
  -All these animations start with the name of the character(HMM for human male, HMF for human female, etc) and then one of the following:

So far I can easily get at the cinematic ones, because all the pccs are lined up with different sections of scenes. But I have yet to even spot any of the standard animations when I know they have to be somewhere.

For example, I extracted a Human Female package, and it only extracted HMM_CB animations. So far, every single package I have extracted, it only extracts the HMM_CB animations.

 I have no idea though, I know its nothing wrong with umodel, I am just trying to figure out why bioware arranged everything so oddly, and where they hid these.


The easy solution would be to import every PSA in UDK, and then choose a female or male mesh, and try every Animset, until you find what you are looking for. I know it's there because I remember seeing it. I just don't remember what package right now. Remember Bioware or any company for that matter doesn't organize the assets in a friendly way for people to extract it, and view their content, that is not in their consideration.

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