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Author Topic: Rainbow six veg 2 - some textures coming out tiny  (Read 15634 times)
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Rainbow six veg 2 - some textures coming out tiny
« on: July 01, 2010, 01:02 »

I'm having an odd issue when using umodel. I'm trying to extract a number of things from rainbow six vegas 2, but I've had some issues with a large number of the textures.
These come out as 4x4 targas instead of their real respective sizes.

I've tried looking around for a texture.tfc but can't find any. Is there some way to solve said issue?
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Re: Rainbow six veg 2 - some textures coming out tiny
« Reply #1 on: July 01, 2010, 01:04 »

Usually shrinked textures (textures, which hi-res mipmaps are stored in TFC file) has resolution 64x64. So, these very small textures are in their original size. Stop searching, you'll find nothing.
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Re: Rainbow six veg 2 - some textures coming out tiny
« Reply #2 on: July 01, 2010, 01:14 »

Out of curiosity, those rs6v2 use some other TFC format? Just curious if one might find it.
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Re: Rainbow six veg 2 - some textures coming out tiny
« Reply #3 on: July 01, 2010, 01:33 »

This game uses very early UE3 (I have not seen other older UE3 game). It yet has no package compression, tfc etc.
To be correct, UE3-based games does not require tfc. It is just one of the options. For example, UT3 has no tfc.
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Re: Rainbow six veg 2 - some textures coming out tiny
« Reply #4 on: July 01, 2010, 01:37 »

Ah thanks for all the help.
I guess it's back to manaually grabbing the textures on by one from ingame.


I assume the reason the textures are so tiny is due to this error.
*** WARNING: ByteProperty "UTexture2D::TextureType" was not found
Is there any way to solve this?
« Last Edit: July 01, 2010, 03:22 by wraithcat » Logged
Mr. Giggles
Re: Rainbow six veg 2 - some textures coming out tiny
« Reply #5 on: September 02, 2010, 22:08 »

Sorry to reply to a rather old topic (although newer threads have responses pointing here) but I'm having the same issue. What I understand is that the uppc files contain the models, and the mipmaps (seeming to usually be 4x4 or sometimes 64x64) as well as 'materials' with the suffix 'MATINST' which only show four squares, each colored red, green, blue, and yellow. But what I don't understand is where exactly you can find the textures. I know the game uses the materials, so they have to be somewhere in the game.
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Re: Rainbow six veg 2 - some textures coming out tiny
« Reply #6 on: September 04, 2010, 23:32 »

You can sort of grab the textures with texmod. It's a messy and tedious job but it works. It would definitely be nice to be able to get it from the get go tough.
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Re: Rainbow six veg 2 - some textures coming out tiny
« Reply #7 on: September 12, 2010, 19:09 »

I believe that I have actually located the high LOD versions of the textures. It's probably something akin to the TFC files used in other games. Opening the packages with a hex editor clearly shows textures names.
The question now is how to link umodel to them. Alternatively if anyone knows a way to manually extract the stuff.
and a normal pack
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Re: Rainbow six veg 2 - some textures coming out tiny
« Reply #8 on: September 12, 2010, 19:55 »

I have looked at pec.usdx - this is not an unreal package and it is not a tfc file. It looks like some kind of archive with custom format.
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Re: Rainbow six veg 2 - some textures coming out tiny
« Reply #9 on: September 13, 2010, 10:12 »

Ah, I'll take a glance around. For all I know it might be something simple as an uncoded LZOX.
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Re: Rainbow six veg 2 - some textures coming out tiny
« Reply #10 on: December 18, 2010, 04:11 »

I get the impression textures for the R6V2 static meshes are stored in either the .RMPC, .shaders, or the .usdx files, based simply on their file size and the fact the textures are "missing". Renaming these packages to .uppc (R6V2 package extenstion) doesn't work, and -list doesn't produce anything.

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Re: Rainbow six veg 2 - some textures coming out tiny
« Reply #11 on: December 21, 2010, 20:00 »

Indeed. This title shows as "static mesh" supported but I have never got anything to work as far as that goes....

EDIT 12/22/10 What an idiot (me) Perhaps I should have looked HERE first!

\Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Vegas 2\KellerGame\CookedPC\MapsBishop

Open mouth-> insert foot.  sigh...
« Last Edit: December 22, 2010, 18:06 by SLI_Fallen » Logged
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Re: Rainbow six veg 2 - some textures coming out tiny
« Reply #12 on: December 23, 2010, 02:49 »

Heh yeah the static meshes are all there in the MapsBishop folder, it's just the texures don't load in. The textures for the animated meshes are all fine (stored in Rainbow Six Vegas 2\KellerGame\CookedPC\Packages\Characters_Weapons_Props, along with the meshes themselves). I've got a feeling Gildor's recent foray into Splinter Cell might provide an answer, as both franchises are made by Ubisoft, and share similar modifications to vanilla Unreal file hierarchies.
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Re: Rainbow six veg 2 - some textures coming out tiny
« Reply #13 on: December 23, 2010, 09:46 »

I've got a feeling Gildor's recent foray into Splinter Cell might provide an answer ...
Answer for WHAT?
as both franchises are made by Ubisoft, and share similar modifications to vanilla Unreal file hierarchies.
Splinter Cell is based on UE2, Rainbow 6 Vegas 2 on UE3. Why do you think they're based on similar modifications?
Even all Splinter Cell games uses different engine modifications!
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Re: Rainbow six veg 2 - some textures coming out tiny
« Reply #14 on: December 23, 2010, 11:48 »

Hi Gildor! I'll try to explain myself a little better  Smiley

When viewing static meshes in umodel for R6V2, none of them will show with their UV'd textures. Pushing "m" while viewing the model, I've noticed every static mesh has a material assigned to it that always ends in "_MATINST" (MaterialInstanceConstant), which is unusual - Material Instances are typically used to create a simple variation (like a color change) to an existing standard material made from a diffuse, specular and normal map. I know umodel doesn't attempt to recreate complex materials - does a MATINST count as a complex material?

The typical diffuse, specular and normal map textures *are* in the uppc, but most of them are the low-res "thumbnail" used in streaming. There are *some* diffuse/specular/normal textures that appear normal, but they are never larger than 256x256. This is slightly different to how coalesced.tfc works in later version of the UE3, but R6V2 was a very early UE3 game. 

The log file reports a lot of "WARNING: ByteProperty "UTexture2D::TextureType" was not found" when opening a package.

I haven't been able to locate the hi-res textures - hence why I thought they could be in the .RMPC, .shaders, or the .usdx files.

RE: Splinter Cell and R6V2 similarities, I meant: not similar engine modifications, just similar file hiearchies.  Embarrassed

Anyway, just sharing what I've found - umodel is already awesome, and I love testing it on Unreal engine titles, of which I've bought quite a few since discovering this tool. Happy to help out if you want me to test anything!
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