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Author Topic: For everyone who has problems with textures in Mass Effect 1 and 2.  (Read 4618 times)
For everyone who has problems with textures in Mass Effect 1 and 2.
« on: August 16, 2010, 01:53 »

With this tutorial I will show how I solved the problem I had with some textures that looked corrupted.

For example you extracted a model (in this case the Normandy SR1 model) and you get a texture that looks like this:

As many times I tried the texture was ALWAYS like that.

The texture looks corrupted but actually its not. The texture is there but for some reason it not shows properly.
Ff you import the texture to blender (thats what Im using) it will show normaly if you import it to the UV/Image editor and hit "Alt+Z" (image1) but if you add the texture as a material and render the scene, it will look corrupted (image2).



The solution that worked for me is this:

Dowload DXTBmp (Its a free program) and install it. Heres the link:

Open DXTBmp and open or drag&drop the corrupted texture.
As you can see the texture looks as it must look like.

Export (File-> Save as->) a "24Bit bmp image" file (all the other file types give a completely destroyed textue).

Open the bmp file you just exported from DXTBmp in Irfanview (If you dont have it, heres the link to the official site for free download: ) and save it as a "TGA Truevision Tagra" file which will result to the first texture file type.

This is how it will look like:

Now if you add that texture as a material and render again, the model will look as it should look.

The whole process takes less than 30 seconds, the texture quality will be exactly the same as the first one plus it will not look corrupted.

Sorry for my english. I hope this will help.

Ps For converting PSK models to 3ds, obj etc a very good program is Milkshape 3D. Its cheap and it does very good job. It has 50-60 import/export file types.
« Last Edit: August 16, 2010, 20:31 by hraklara5 » Logged
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