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Author Topic: "No translation keys" (Transformers animation)  (Read 2551 times)
"No translation keys" (Transformers animation)
« on: October 20, 2010, 19:39 »

First off, thanks so much for updating UModel and Extract.exe to work with Transformers: War for Cybertron on the XBox360 and PS3.

There is one error that I've run into. I'm not sure what the cause is, I've searched around but no one's mentioned it.

When trying to -view or -export without -noanim on certain Transformers XBox360 map files, I get this error:

. . .
*** AnimSet:Melee_TwoHanded_ROBO_ANIM Seq:Berzerk_StrafeJog_EnergonHammer_F [77]
 hole (-40) before RotTrack (KeyFormat=0)
*** AnimSet:Melee_TwoHanded_ROBO_ANIM Seq:Berzerk_StrafeJog_EnergonHammer_F [78]
 hole (-40) before TransTrack
*** No translation keys!
*** ERROR: Serializing behind stopper
FMemReader::Serialize <- FArchive::ByteOrderSerialize <- UAnimSet::ConvertAnims
<- PostLoad:Melee_TwoHanded_ROBO_ANIM <- UObject::EndLoad <- UnPackage::CreateEx <- LoadWholePackage <- Main

-view doesn't load the viewer, -export doesn't export anything.

This whole "No Translation Keys" problem... what causes it?

The error doesn't pop up when I load the PC version of the same map, an XBox360 character file, or even another Transformers XBox360 map.

This error isn't actually a show-stopper at the moment, since I can get what I need from other maps. I'm just curious.

Here's the download:
« Last Edit: October 21, 2010, 13:22 by gildor » Logged
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Re: "No translation keys"
« Reply #1 on: October 20, 2010, 22:25 »

Transformers animations are not supported (they are working, but only 1% of all animations - only some static poses).

P.S. How did you get PS3 files? Aren't they encrypted?
Re: "No translation keys"
« Reply #2 on: October 21, 2010, 03:02 »

P.S. How did you get PS3 files? Aren't they encrypted?

\o/ Beats me. Showed up in DUPLEX's release.

By the way, other files, even if not all the animations extract, will still pass through umodel without it throwing a critical error.
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