I remember asking about half a year ago,.. I never understood the answer at all though, tried for weeks, then gave up,.. (and now can't find it to review,...
If only Umodel would output that wonderful actually useful, format: OGG, Heck VLC plays that! This 'ue4Opus' seems to be impossible nightmare to use or convert! Why Gildor calls it 'something special' I have no idea. .DDS THAT is special formatting..., UE4Opus is just a pain,..
I found some 'QuickBMS' thing that was supposed to convert them to wav, but the instructions were utterly impossible to understand, Even though I use QuickBMS for many other things,.. It wanted Ubulk files, I have ue4Opus files from Umodel, and it didn't see the Ubulk files in the raw folder... I wish there were more and better choices for these tools, No wonder there are no good games made in the last 20 years,