Hi im trying to grab some animations from Wildlife the game wich is an UE4 4.22(im pretty sure its 4.22 the creator hasnt really said)
Here is a patreon ling to where the info about the game is and can download a public build
https://www.patreon.com/adeptussteveOr here are the animations and games exe in question
https://drive.google.com/open?id=1iAwsHRqck72_9v1kqAJ42KbNPWAUCIwqAnd here are the model and skeleton of the character the animations are for
https://drive.google.com/open?id=1elX7vRYFhCD-BHkLTX1S3yk6_GSW2zOpIm after the flying animations it as for a fun little privet project of mine
When i try to extract any of the animations i get this, so im posting here to see if im just being stupid and i didnt do this correctly or weather umodel isnt working with this particular game
Loading AnimSequence4 A_Maya_BarrelrollLeft from package /Game/Animations/Character/Maya/Flighht/A_Maya_BarrelrollLeft.uasset
Loading Skeleton maya_skMeshD2_Skeleton from package /Game/Meshes/Characters/Maya/maya_skMeshD2_Skeleton.uasset
WARNING: StructProperty "USkeleton::VirtualBoneGuid" was not found
WARNING: ArrayProperty "USkeleton::Sockets" was not found
WARNING: ArrayProperty "USkeleton::SlotGroups" was not found
Full package loaded in 0.3 sec, 1278 allocs, 0.49 MBytes serialized in 25 calls.
Exporting objects ...
Exporting Skeleton maya_skMeshD2_Skeleton to D:/Games/Umodel/UmodelExport/Game/Meshes/Characters/Maya
Memory: allocated 15146462 bytes in 90229 blocks
After this i endup with the skeleton exported but nothing else
All im looking to do is get the flying animations into blender to i can re-target them to my character model i have
Any help would be much appreciated