According to the
compatibility table, Fury is not supported at all, so "improving" is a wrong term here
This kindof looks like only a little assertion needs to be fixed to be able to access some of the files in that package, like here.
Error "Assertion failed: size >= 0 && size < (256<<20)" means nothing but "unexpected data format", so fixing it is exactly the same as "do support for this game"
Anything else I can do to help you improve support for Fury assets?
List of what I need for researching any game can be found in the
FAQIf you could release (or send me) the source code I could also try to debug what happens when trying to open those files
To load data without errors umodel should use code identical to the game - it is not possible (usually) to "understand" error, we must find loading code in the game binary (find a few kilobytes in the 20-50Mb executable!) and duplicate it in the umodel.