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Author Topic: Homefront  (Read 16425 times)
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Re: Homefront
« Reply #15 on: March 19, 2011, 02:28 »

ps3 or xbox?
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Re: Homefront
« Reply #16 on: March 19, 2011, 02:31 »

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Re: Homefront
« Reply #17 on: March 21, 2011, 03:15 »

why can't i rip anything from homefront i add -game=frontl since that's what i shows me to enter but i can't open any of the upk files and i try to click nostat at the top but it wont let me check it, i'm using the gui version of this
« Last Edit: March 21, 2011, 03:28 by JakeGreen » Logged
Re: Homefront
« Reply #18 on: May 18, 2011, 05:09 »

Thanks Gildor, Great work! I used your Umodel to export skeletal meshes and materials and successfully imported them into UDK. I'm trying to get the assets from Homefront to design a level with. Can you explain a bit more about why static meshes arn't supported, is it because of the version of UDK or just that you haven't gotten to them yet?

Also is there a way to extract directories of UPK's in bulk, I tried using the extract tool on some of the UPK's and the files aren't recognizable by UDK. Did i miss a step?


Homefront is supported now. Static meshes are not supported (like in Frontlines).
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Re: Homefront
« Reply #19 on: May 18, 2011, 08:40 »

Can you explain a bit more about why static meshes arn't supported, is it because of the version of UDK or just that you haven't gotten to them yet?
Static meshes are not supported because they are heavily modified. Absolutely the same issue with Frontlines which is uses the same engine modification.
Also is there a way to extract directories of UPK's in bulk, I tried using the extract tool on some of the UPK's and the files aren't recognizable by UDK. Did i miss a step?
"Extract" tool will produce unusable data, you should use umodel.
Re: Homefront
« Reply #20 on: May 18, 2011, 22:32 »

Thanks, as a test i extracted some Static Meshes from Medal of Honor and it created files with an X at the end and ur documentation said thats cuz they couldn't' be imported. I removed the x and the static meshes imported as skeletal meshes.   They worked when i put them in my scene. my question: Is there a way to import static meshes as static meshes from any games to UDK?


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Re: Homefront
« Reply #21 on: May 18, 2011, 22:36 »

You should import mesh into Max using ActorX Importer and export it using ASE or FBX into UDK.
Re: Homefront
« Reply #22 on: May 18, 2011, 23:13 »

aaaand yes.... that's exactly what I needed. Thanks!

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Re: Homefront
« Reply #23 on: August 02, 2011, 16:59 »

Thanks, as a test i extracted some Static Meshes from Medal of Honor and it created files with an X at the end and ur documentation said thats cuz they couldn't' be imported. I removed the x and the static meshes imported as skeletal meshes.   They worked when i put them in my scene.

So your saying with this method you SUCESSFULLY got Homefront Static Meshes into 3ds Max ??

If so, can you document the workflow exactly for this?
Re: Homefront
« Reply #24 on: August 02, 2011, 20:39 »

No, I successfully extracted static meshes from other games like medal of honor. Sorry, but the good news is there are plenty Of games that can be extracted, the list is on the site were you download the exporter.

Good luck
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Homefront Files issue
« Reply #25 on: April 10, 2020, 03:27 »

So I've been exporting files from Homefront and while the majority of the files I've been after work perfectly fine (such as the majority of the weapons), some refuse to export due to an error.

Files such as voiceover files and one of the weapons (the 870 Express Shotgun) fail to export with an error message that then closes the exporter.

The error goes as follows when I try to export voicelines from "Battle Commander":
Serializing behind stopper (F311+10CC0 > 17385)
FFileReader::Serialize:File=A2_BattleCommander_S.upk <- FByteBulkData::SerializeDataChunk <- FByteBulkData::SerializeData <- FByteBulkData::Serialize <- USoundNodeWave::Serialize <- LoadObject:SoundNodeWave'A2_BattleCommander_S.S_Airstriker_1400', pos=F311, ver=576/100, game=frontl <- UObject::EndLoad <- LoadWholePackage:A2_BattleCommander_S <- ExportPackages <- CUmodelApp::ShowPackageUI <- Main:umodel_build=1181

It's a long stretch, but I'd like some help with these, as I would like to acquire these.
Re: Homefront Files issue
« Reply #26 on: May 03, 2020, 15:09 »

So I've been exporting files from Homefront and while the majority of the files I've been after work perfectly fine (such as the majority of the weapons), some refuse to export due to an error.

Have you had any luck with the static props/objects than?
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