Hi, I'm new to the this site. I'm trying to extract the models from the game myself, and I do own the game. I was wondering if someone can explain, in some detail, or point me to a site on how to get the game files off my Xbox and on to my pc. I would really appreciate the help. Thanks in advance.
Hello Redshirt, Gildor said on another thread you need the game as an ISO - not really as an installation as it says in the How To guide. There are things mentioned in this thread that I don't fully understand and am wary of DL some infected prog by mistake that give an idea of what you need program wise. Did you find any Noob guides? I found some videos on this site but they were really for people who were advanced users or had a basic understanding of things.
Meanwhile it would be good, seeing so many people trying to get the same outcome, that those who have extracted animations, sounds etc could UL them so others can have them without trying to find out what UV, effuse and other things are. Grovel grovel pleeease. Sam is my favourite but I'd like some other game sounds. I found more dialogue from here recently if I torque bow her