Hi everyone, first time here
i recently discovered Umodel and i think this tool is really fantastic! I'm extracting some armor textures from Lineage 2 Freya client files and i see they follow this naming scheme
MFighter --> Male human fighter
m003 --> Human mesh 003
t64 --> Texture set number (the armor set)
b --> Body part (in this case, boots)
so no problem here, they are pretty much self-explaining, they get exported as a standard TGA image and that's great
Some textures, however, have a "_sp" suffix (for example, MFighter_m003_t64_u_sp) and look very different from the other ones. If i load them in Milkshape 3D, for example, they look pretty much transparent but it's possible to select the "no alpha" option in the material's properties menu and they look ok: from what i can understand, the "_sp" textures are normally used in-game to make some light reflection effect.
If i use Paint.NET to remove the alpha channel, which i thought was the issue, i simply get a white image. Any suggestions? I would like to save them as "normal" textures
P.S.: i'm from Italy and my english may sound weird