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Author Topic: Converting into .PCC format.  (Read 33854 times)
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Re: Converting into .PCC format.
« Reply #15 on: April 14, 2012, 17:47 »

Yeah I figured it was more complicated then it looks.
There is no other program out there that compresses files into a .pcc format. So I understand you are working from scratch. It's these damn .pcc formats. It is easy to get files out of them, but nigh impossible to get them back into .pcc. So lame, I really wanted to do some texture modding for Mass Effect 3.
Well, I hope all goes well and you get it working. Like I said, if there is something I can do to help let me know. If you have Steam or Origin you can find me on one of those if you need to.

Thanks again for everything, please keep me posted.  Smiley

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Re: Converting into .PCC format.
« Reply #16 on: April 14, 2012, 19:59 »

PCC files are like filecontainer, their content can be compressed or not. ME3 loads both, but I haven't found a way to produce compressed files (althought I got gildor's and my tool to extract from some I created) that ME3 accepts so I stick with the bigger uncompressed format. You can extract every "file" (object would be better) and import it back with my tool, as long as it has the same size (Extract Option), but you can't think of them as normal files. Thats because everything has its own header followed by the raw data, and there are alot of headers, thats why its taking so long for me to guess them all out. Most time I'm really just guessing. And the biggest problem is to find the offsets in textures.tfc , because in the package is usually only a preview version of it. Btw I uploaded a version that ex/imports the format of the specific object that you posted.
Have fun

PS: I can PM you some contact adress if you like, I use ICQ and Skype
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Re: Converting into .PCC format.
« Reply #17 on: April 15, 2012, 00:54 »

Ah thanks for explaining in detail. Now I understand it better.
Also thank you very much for updating the program, that was nice of you.
I will be sure to share anything I find here.

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Re: Converting into .PCC format.
« Reply #18 on: April 15, 2012, 00:58 »

Do you have a program you recommend for .dds files? I see a few of them, is there one in particular you like/suggest?

I will try that one you mentioned in the tutorial.pdf

Also I got the updated version and it works so thank you.
I need to figure out how to add them myself. Because now there is 1 more I need to export that is not supported. *sigh*

You said the source code for the program was available?
Could you link me to it, I will see if I can't figure it out.
« Last Edit: April 15, 2012, 15:16 by Juno » Logged

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Re: Converting into .PCC format.
« Reply #19 on: April 15, 2012, 22:36 »

Well it's me again. I am probably annoying you by now.
But, when I export something into a .dds and edit it and try to re-import it nothing happens.
Even if I just dab a black dot on the picture and try to import it, it fails.
I've tried multiple save formats using your pointers on the Facebook page.

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Re: Converting into .PCC format.
« Reply #20 on: April 15, 2012, 23:26 »

I don't know which version you have, so I don't know if the function is implemented, but I was sure to have added all DDS Formats by now. I recently fixed a bug about that, just try the current version, you can find binary and source together here: if it still doesn't work tell me the filename and the objectnumber, so I can have a look at it. If it is not importing then it usually got stuck on the format. If its dds check the header of the file when it is exported, there must be either "DXT5" or "DXT1" written somewhere. Now check it again after you edited it, if its still the same letters then something in my program is wrong.
thanks for the input
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Re: Converting into .PCC format.
« Reply #21 on: April 16, 2012, 00:18 »

I downloaded the one you released this morning that you announced on the FB page.
I will go ahead re-download it again in-case this is a different one. Yes, this is a different one then I have, thank you for the update. And, try the other things you mentioned.
Thanks again, I will let you know.
« Last Edit: April 16, 2012, 00:21 by Juno » Logged

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Re: Converting into .PCC format.
« Reply #22 on: April 16, 2012, 02:59 »

Well here is a picture of the one I am having trouble with it that I am trying to edit.
Like I said, exports fine. Once I edit it, or if I try to import a different .dds on it, it doesn't do anything.
According to Photoshop, these .dds files that I export via your program are in a RGB/8 format.

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Re: Converting into .PCC format.
« Reply #23 on: April 16, 2012, 08:31 »

you are right. if you can edit the code, comment the line 905-907 in PCCEditor.cs out, then it loads your file. I'll upload a fixed version later. I think modding this isn't fun unless its in full size, I work on that today.
Have fun
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Re: Converting into .PCC format.
« Reply #24 on: April 16, 2012, 15:22 »

Still having issues with this one.
I got your latest version, I able to export it and reference the .tfc and export it in multiple resolutions.
But, regardless of the resolution I choose. If I try to re-import it, even without editing it, nothing happens.

And, back to my first one.
This one if I export it 256x256 it works fine. But, if I try to export it in 512x512 ME3 Explorer goes unresponsive for a few seconds, then it says "Done". If I open the .dds it is just a black square. Also it says that the 128x128 is "Not OK" to load.

I will keep messing around with it and see if I can come up with anything.
Let me know if you get the time to look at it. I also downloaded the source code, I will see if I can make anything of it. Like I said, not my specialty though.

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Re: Converting into .PCC format.
« Reply #25 on: April 16, 2012, 18:18 »

There is no importing yet, but I work on it. Tell me if you find bugs.
from FB

this is a rare one, I don't have the time to go through all objects in all files, I just test it on some. I expected that this could happen, but I'm not sure how I fix this. Both things are worked on, so just wait or write it yourself. Btw if you answer the first messagebox with no, it extracts the file from the package.

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Re: Converting into .PCC format.
« Reply #26 on: April 16, 2012, 19:12 »

Ok. If I am bugging you just let me know. I am just posting stuff as I find it.

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Re: Converting into .PCC format.
« Reply #27 on: April 16, 2012, 19:22 »

yeah sorry, I was in a hurry and today is not my day.I missunderstood because I just quickly looked for the questions and only answered them, now I've read the rest, sry... Keep posting them, I appreciate that.
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Re: Converting into .PCC format.
« Reply #28 on: April 16, 2012, 21:09 »

It's ok I know how it goes. I got a long day tomorrow I am not looking forward to myself, got to move out of my family home we owned for a long time.  Undecided
But, thanks for the reply. I guess let me know if you figure anything out.

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Re: Converting into .PCC format.
« Reply #29 on: April 18, 2012, 01:27 »

First: You sir, are a genius! you don't know how long i've looked for a pcc compiler. heh. how do you manage to understand the formats. i know some coding myself, but they never teach this stuff at Uni Sad
Sorry to butt in, but I'm guessing it would be possible to edit the class powers, right? by replacing for example: all stuff related to concussive shot in soldier pcc by the charge from vanguard. I've got just one question: how does the data->replace function work?
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