I've watched the log you've attached to the first message. You're definitely mixed the game files!
You have the following files:
BioH_Assassin_00.pcc - ME2
CookedPCConsole/BIOG_Humanoid_MASTER_MTR_R.pcc - ME3
CookedPCConsole/Startup.pcc - ME3
CookedPCConsole/BIOG_HMM_HED_PROMorph.pcc - ME3
Note: 1st file is from Mass Effect 2 and placed outside of CookedPCConsole directory, other files are from ME3. Umodel is crashed when
Reading DRL_HGR_LGTa_THN_DIFF mip level 0 (512x512) from CookedPCConsole/Textures.tfc
DRL_HGR_LGTa_THN_DIFF is taken from BioH_Assassin_00.pcc (ME2) but trying to use TFC file from the third game. So
you're mixing the files!