there are lots of files...(00001029~00019000)
animation files are distributed
also sound files too
I do check one by one
This ^
i think i checked all of them or such, i basically searched for every .psk files and checked all the ones that were probably char models.
About animations... you can usually check for a file named like the monster, but! Animation files for "humans" model are all stored within singles animation files (ex. fighting animation like kd, death, skills can be found in Feedback Animset).
Also if you can't find the textures of a certain model... get the folder name and check the ones right above or down that one, they usually hold the textures which strangely have a different name... (es. for the arang model, texture is named Mon010_d which is in folder 00002628, while the model can be found in this folder: 00002630)