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Author Topic: Lineage 2 Gracia Final  (Read 12313 times)
Lineage 2 Gracia Final
« on: November 09, 2008, 12:01 »

Hi, I love your tool!

I have a few questions. I was wondering if you could take a look at the new version of L2, I have packed what i think you need.
(link deleted)

I was also wondering if you had any plans in the future into making .unr viewable. I provided one in the pack.

One last thing, how hard would it be to do a import option or create a your own file for .ukx, i'd realy like to make some animated things in L2.
« Last Edit: November 12, 2008, 13:19 by gildor » Logged
Hero Member
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Re: Lineage 2 Gracia Final
« Reply #1 on: November 09, 2008, 13:13 »

Hi, I love your tool!
Thank you Smiley

I was wondering if you could take a look at the new version of L2, I have packed what i think you need.
I was downloaded your file. I need also some .ukx (and possibly, .utx) files, which cannot be opened with my tool (possibly, I will get it by myself).
At least, it would be good, if you will post error report (can be taken from "notify.log").

I was also wondering if you had any plans in the future into making .unr viewable. I provided one in the pack.
At current moment, I have no such plans. And you have not provided .unr file in pack (only system directory is here) Wink

how hard would it be to do a import option or create a your own file for .ukx
I'm reading everything from .ukx file, but more than half of data have unknown meaning, or cannot be computed by myself (for example, hardware shader code). It is not possible to add content to any package.
Hero Member
Posts: 7969

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Re: Lineage 2 Gracia Final
« Reply #2 on: November 09, 2008, 18:27 »

I was found few Lineage 2 packages, which was crashed umodel. Fixed. Check downloads section on umodel page.
Re: Lineage 2 Gracia Final
« Reply #3 on: November 09, 2008, 22:19 »

Oops... sorry i uploaded the wrong pack...
here is the one I meant.
(link deleted)

here is the log, the last entrys are from your latest that you said to download

******** animations/lineagemonsters4 ********

ERROR: Serializing behind stopper
TArray::Serialize <- UMaterial::Serialize <- LoadObject:boom_eye_t00 <- UObject::EndLoad <- UnPackage::CreateExport:animations/lineagemonsters4.ukx:11862 <- LoadWholePackage <- Main

******** animations/bg_effectmeshes ********

WARNING: Class "VertMesh": property "Materials" (type=9) was not found
ERROR: Serializing behind stopper
TArray::Serialize <- UMaterial::Serialize <- UTexture::Serialize <- LoadObject:immortal_matrix06 <- UObject::EndLoad <- UnPackage::CreateExport:animations/bg_effectmeshes.ukx:0 <- LoadWholePackage <- Main

******** animations/lineageweapons ********

ERROR: assertion failed: size >= 0

appMalloc <- TArray::Serialize <- UMaterial::Serialize <- UTexture::Serialize <- LoadObject:blood_tornado_t00_wp <- UObject::EndLoad <- UnPackage::CreateExport:animations/lineageweapons.ukx:6 <- LoadWholePackage <- Main

******** animations/lineagenpcs2 ********

ERROR: Serializing behind stopper
TArray::Serialize <- UMaterial::Serialize <- LoadObject:K_guard_F1_t00 <- UObject::EndLoad <- UnPackage::CreateExport:animations/lineagenpcs2.ukx:3250 <- LoadWholePackage <- Main

******** animations/dropitems ********

ERROR: assertion failed: size >= 0

appMalloc <- UnPackage::UnPackage:animations/dropitems.ukx <- Main

******** animations/lineagenpcsev ********

ERROR: assertion failed: size >= 0

appMalloc <- TArray::Serialize <- UMaterial::Serialize <- UTexture::Serialize <- LoadObject:native_thing_of_Base_t00 <- UObject::EndLoad <- UnPackage::CreateExport:animations/lineagenpcsev.ukx:11 <- LoadWholePackage <- Main

******** animations/lineagenpcs ********

ERROR: Serializing behind stopper
TArray::Serialize <- UMaterial::Serialize <- LoadObject:a_royal_guardA_MHuman_m00_t00_b00 <- UObject::EndLoad <- UnPackage::CreateExport:animations/lineagenpcs.ukx:1769 <- LoadWholePackage <- Main

******** animations/lineageweapons ********

ERROR: Serializing behind stopper
UMaterial::Serialize <- UTexture::Serialize <- LoadObject:blood_tornado_t00_wp <- UObject::EndLoad <- UnPackage::CreateExport:animations/lineageweapons.ukx:6 <- LoadWholePackage <- Main

******** animations/lineagenpcs2 ********

ERROR: Serializing behind stopper
UMaterial::Serialize <- LoadObject:K_guard_F1_t00 <- UObject::EndLoad <- UnPackage::CreateExport:animations/lineagenpcs2.ukx:3250 <- LoadWholePackage <- Main

I'm reading everything from .ukx file, but more than half of data have unknown meaning, or cannot be computed by myself (for example, hardware shader code). It is not possible to add content to any package.
ahh, ok, I have used another program that can extract only models to .obj and I would edit or make my own in 3dsmax. Then with another lil tool it would convert it my model to a .ukx for L2. Only problem with that is, it only allows 1 model to convert
I can provide these 2 tools if you would like.

« Last Edit: November 12, 2008, 13:18 by gildor » Logged
Hero Member
Posts: 7969

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Re: Lineage 2 Gracia Final
« Reply #4 on: November 09, 2008, 23:59 »

here is the log...
There is a problem loading materials. I'll check it.
Have you checked these packages with newer version of my program I have uploaded today? (packaged readme.txt should contain changelog entries dated 9.11.2008)

I can provide these 2 tools if you would like.
Yes, this whould be great.
Re: Lineage 2 Gracia Final
« Reply #5 on: November 10, 2008, 00:53 »

******** animations/lineageweapons ********

ERROR: Serializing behind stopper
UMaterial::Serialize <- UTexture::Serialize <- LoadObject:blood_tornado_t00_wp <- UObject::EndLoad <- UnPackage::CreateExport:animations/lineageweapons.ukx:6 <- LoadWholePackage <- Main

******** animations/lineagenpcs2 ********

ERROR: Serializing behind stopper
UMaterial::Serialize <- LoadObject:K_guard_F1_t00 <- UObject::EndLoad <- UnPackage::CreateExport:animations/lineagenpcs2.ukx:3250 <- LoadWholePackage <- Main

this is from the newest one

here are the tools, 1st one is the tool used to extract the .ukx to .obj, the next 2 are used to convert .obj to .ukx


OAUKX_C6.exe V1.0_beta3 version only for C6

this one i dont use but is pose to be for the kamels, the one above I use for gracia client
OAUKX_C7.exe V1.0_beta1 version only for C7

tutorial video

Hero Member
Posts: 7969

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Re: Lineage 2 Gracia Final
« Reply #6 on: November 10, 2008, 12:44 »

I was updated Lineage 2 code (check downloads). Thank you for your help.
Quite possible, new game versions will break compatibility again Sad
Re: Lineage 2 Gracia Final
« Reply #7 on: November 11, 2008, 22:41 »

Very nice! works perfect now with npcs.

Question, is there a reason only npcs have texture and not weapons or armor? just curious.
Hero Member
Posts: 7969

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Re: Lineage 2 Gracia Final
« Reply #8 on: November 12, 2008, 11:56 »

Very nice! works perfect now with npcs.
Good Smiley

Question, is there a reason only npcs have texture and not weapons or armor?
I have not seen Lineage in action, but I can suppose. Packages like "DarkElf.ukx", "Elf.ukx" etc contains mesh parts, which is joined in some combination on a single skeleton to create complete personage. Joining different combinations allows to create a large set of personage variations using a relatively small set of meshes. Also, mapping a different materials to a single mesh allows to vary personage look (different face textures for a single head mesh, "bronze"/"silver"/"gold" armor etc). All joining and mapping works are performed in a script at runtime, and these meshes does not have texturing information.
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