Hello ,
I try too export some of the Exteel models and the export exports only half of the models or some of the models are missing.
Here is the cmd lines when i export the files.
E:\Exteel\Animations>umodel -export -md5 GFA_Chest.ukx
Found 17 game files (51 skipped)
Loading package: GFA_Chest.ukx Ver: 126/1002 Names: 422 Exports: 31 Imports: 30
Loading SkeletalMesh CNP010 from package GFA_Chest.ukx
WARNING: package GFT_Mech was not found
Loading SkeletalMesh CEM412 from package GFA_Chest.ukx
Loading SkeletalMesh CEH420 from package GFA_Chest.ukx
Loaded in 0.075 sec, 2198 allocs, 4.71 MBytes serialized in 309141 calls.
Exporting objects ...
Exported SkeletalMesh CNP010
Exported SkeletalMesh CEM806
duplicate bone NK_06_L_UpperArm, renamed to NK_06_L_UpperArm_2
duplicate bone Bip01_R_Finger11, renamed to Bip01_R_Finger11_2
duplicate bone NK_06_R_UpperArm, renamed to NK_06_R_UpperArm_2
*** ERROR: assertion failed: index >= 0 && index < DataCount
ExportMd5Mesh <- ExportObject:SkeletalMesh'NK_06' <- Main