Another Asian game
![Roll Eyes](
... Hey Gildor, we already know an answer, don't we?
"asian" usually means "looks nearly the same as other games" and "it's executable is encrypted"
another "magic" keyword here is "online" - they're usually very hard or impossible to support and keep the game support up to date
well checked it and no encryptation detected @.@ so whats going on?
Scanning -> D:\Trinity Online\System\sanguo.exe
File Type : 32-Bit Exe (Subsystem : Win GUI / 2), Size : 8531968 (0823000h) Byte(s)
[File Heuristics] -> Flag : 00000100000000000000000000000000 (0x04000000)
[Entrypoint Section Entropy] : 6.67
[Debug Info]
Characteristics : 0x0 | TimeDateStamp : 0x5354C983 | MajorVer : 0 / MinorVer : 0 -> (0.0)
Type : 2 -> CodeView | Size : 0x4C (76)
AddressOfRawData : 0x78CC7C | PointerToRawData : 0x78CC7C
CvSig : 0x53445352 | SigGuid D05B2FB3-D15D-4224-8C71E74E573FDF6F
Age : 0x1 | Pdb : E:\zy\sanguoclient_TW\Launch\Lib\Release\Launch.pdb
[CompilerDetect] -> Visual C++ 7.1 (Visual Studio 2003)
[!] File appears to have no protection or is using an unknown protection
- Scan Took : 0.561 Second(s) [000000231h tick(s)] [533 scan(s) done]