I answer to my question....after sometime spend on .psa files I found it...I just want to share some .psa with you if someone need..
HMM_AM_QuickDraw.psa draw pistol
HMM_CB_Pistol.psa complete animation for human male(pistol)
HMM_CB_PistolCover.psa complete animation for human male cover(pistol)
HMM_CB_PistolAuto_override.psa pistol animation(reload and shot)
HMM_CB_RifleHolster.psa draw rifle
HMM_CB_Rifle.psa complete animation for human male(rifle)
HMM_CB_RifleCover.psa complete animation for human male cover(rifle)
HMM_CB_RifleAuto.psa animation rifle(reload shot)
I hope this can be useful..I cant find animation base like idle\walk\jump ecc disarmed....if someone find it pls tell me