Hey all! Seems like this may be the best place to ask,
Im trying to create some mods for Mass Effect 2, to allow people to play as various NPCs, whether it be Turian, Geth, Krogan/etc. At the moment im on the Krogan portion of my modding and i cant seem to find the model for Wrex anywhere. I've seen on the web people have managed to get it somehow and make files for their own uses (Xnalara/etc), but such files are useless to me and these people dont seem forthcomming on telling me how they got the model file itself. There are 2 PCC files in Mass Effect 2 that relate to Wrex, and they are;
BioD_KroHub_107Wrex and BioD_KroHub107Wrex_LOC_INT
So, you'd think i just open these in Umodel right? Problem solved? Alas this is not the case. The first one only contains BioStage_KroHub and the second, Umodel just says there are no visual objects.
Can anyone tell me which PCC file wrex is in, or, if he is hiding in one (or both) of the above files? If he is, all i need is the path to load his head model and armor. (KRO_HED_... and KRO_ARM_.... I'm assuming Wrex will use the same type of names that the generic krogan armors and head do)
I know Wrex has to be somewhere...But where....

Thanks in advance for any information!