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Author Topic: Antichamber: Textures with transparent BG become fully transparent on export  (Read 1429 times)
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Antichamber: Textures with transparent BG become fully transparent on export
« on: December 08, 2017, 03:54 »

Hey forum!

I tried to export some assets from Antichamber (2013/UE3) and everything went great, except for a few of the textures - specifically those that contain a transparent background. They're displayed as a cube in the viewer, with their contents in white over a black background (transparent for materials they're associated to). But once exported, they become a fully transparent TGA.

I tried opening it with multiple image editing software, and the result is always the same. They even have the correct resolution, plus their sizes are reasonable considering the contents - but they just seem to be empty inside. The game doesn't seem to be incompatible either, as textures without a transparent BG (and the rest of the assets) were all loaded and exported sucessfully.

A few images here:

Am I doing anything wrong, and, if not, is there a fix for that issue?

Thanks in advance! Cheesy
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Re: Antichamber: Textures with transparent BG become fully transparent on export
« Reply #1 on: December 08, 2017, 08:12 »

Umodel exports textures without losing any information, i.e. image data is there. Earlier I saw the problem you described in your post, it is solvable. I think you should use something different to view texture, for example - FastStone image browser (I'm always using this software). Most likely these textures has absolutely transparent alpha channel with all data stored in RGB channels. You simply should remove alpha or fill it with opaque value.
Posts: 2

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Re: Antichamber: Textures with transparent BG become fully transparent on export
« Reply #2 on: December 09, 2017, 07:45 »

Thanks!! It worked. It was just a matter of using the right program, hahah. I used Paint.NET because it was able to open the TGA extension, however it seems not to fully support it.
Also, once exported the textures indeed have no alpha value - it's black instead. Interesting!
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