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Author Topic: Problem With Umodel while export Female Shep Head and Male Shep Body ME 1  (Read 548 times)
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Problem With Umodel while export Female Shep Head and Male Shep Body ME 1
« on: June 01, 2020, 13:00 »

Hello my friends , i dont want to bother you but i have a little question concerning Umodel and mass effect 1 .

 After a lot of testing I found that Umodel cannot properly export the head of femal shepard and the body of male shepard.

 Concerning the head  it totally disintegrates and for the body it breaks the facial animations (shoulders move when speaking).

 im sure its Umodel cause export mesh whitout it works fine (UPK via meshplorer), I know it's not recent but I would have liked to know if you were aware and if you know a way to get around the problem or can to be export these two mesh  in another way. thank you so much .

Test procedure:

I export using Umodel (I don't modify the mesh ...I don't touch it for the test procedure) then I import the PSK in Unreal Dev Kit, I export in UPK and reinstall it with Meshplorer , this does not work,


Export with Meshexplorer in UPK, import UPK in Unreal Dev Kit then export that and reinstall the UPK with mesh explorer, this is works fine ...  it seems that Umodel breaks a few things on export ... any ideas? Thks so much !
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Re: Problem With Umodel while export Female Shep Head and Male Shep Body ME 1
« Reply #1 on: June 02, 2020, 12:10 »

Can anyone help me? I think it happens when Umodel reassigns the reference skeleton bones (index bones), there is no way to keep the same hierarchy of bones after export to psk?
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Re: Problem With Umodel while export Female Shep Head and Male Shep Body ME 1
« Reply #2 on: June 02, 2020, 12:31 »

UModel doesn't break anything. It exports mesh exactly as it appears in the game.

Regarding your problem, I did not understand anything, sorry. May be someone else could understand and help?
I think it's worth for you to record a video, because you have mess with terminology (e.g. I don't know what is "meshexplorer"). It's easier to show things in a video than trying to explain every little thing (and I feel you have some troubles with English).
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Re: Problem With Umodel while export Female Shep Head and Male Shep Body ME 1
« Reply #3 on: June 02, 2020, 15:07 »

 Thk you  !   ,
Yes my english is bad but it's my only option to call for help.

YEs I'm going to make a video quickly .
 Maybe Umodel does not break the mesh but  ME 1 does not recognize the way  UMODEL export the mesh (
Only for certain precise mesh in Mass Effect 1 )  .

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Re: Problem With Umodel while export Female Shep Head and Male Shep Body ME 1
« Reply #4 on: June 02, 2020, 17:15 »

Here the video :

I specify that all the armor exported by Umodel are affected by this.

The HeadMeshes exported using Umodel works fine with armor not touched by Umodel

The only way to solve the problem is to merge the skelete of a mesh not from Umodel with The skin of a mesk.psk from Umodel but this causes other less serious problems.

Apparently Umodel changes something in the skeletalmesh bones that Mass effect doesn't like.

Thk you ! 
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Re: Problem With Umodel while export Female Shep Head and Male Shep Body ME 1
« Reply #5 on: June 02, 2020, 18:10 »

I'd suggest looking at face mesh inside UE Viewer. Check if it has morphs or not.
Morph target is usual way of making face animations, and morphs are NOT exportable with UE Viewer (but you can VIEW them there).
If there's no morphs on this mesh, then this is a different issue.
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Re: Problem With Umodel while export Female Shep Head and Male Shep Body ME 1
« Reply #6 on: June 03, 2020, 09:59 »

Unfortunately there are no morphs but i discovered something that i need an explanation for

here is a screenshot of Unreal Dev Kit, the UPK modified by Umodel is on the right and the Vanilla UPK is on the Left. You can see that the index and the hierarchy of bones is different ,  the shoulders which starts at 55 starting at 7 on modified UPK .

Also , The Vertices is different ,  the vanilla is 931 RIGID / 3263 Soft
                                            The Umodel is 941 RIGID / 3253 Soft

can you tell me if that could be the problem and
and help me to understand how Umodel works with it ? Thk so musch 

* Comparaison.png (57.2 KB, 1920x1081 - viewed 163 times.)
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Re: Problem With Umodel while export Female Shep Head and Male Shep Body ME 1
« Reply #7 on: June 03, 2020, 10:31 »

You're MODDING the game. There's absolutely no issue with mesh export, the problem (for you) is that the modified mesh is imported in a slightly different way. On other words: export a mesh from UDK, then import a mesh back - and mesh will appear slightly differently.
I don't know if bone order may cause issues with modded game. It entirely depends on software which you're using for injecting upk back to the game.

I do not know the workflow which you're using to get model into the game, that is something "hacky". When you're using hack to get something, always expect bugs.

P.S. I'll move the thread to the "modding" topic, because this is NOT an issue with umodel.
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