I just discovered this site today and am so pleased to know that it is possible to open up Bioshock2 with this amazing tool, so let me start off by saying
thank you for all your hard work.
Now I have done a fair bit of reading on here and testing with the program but I am at a point where I need help. I am having the issue with BS2 whereby I am unable to get textures beyond 64 x 64. I know this is because "
umodel is unable to find tfc file (usually "textures.tfc")" (I have read the FAQ and the
More info link is broken) so I still dont know how to correct this, and.....
I do not know how to run the program with CMD (or bat, CMD with arguments). I have only been using the GUI from this point, but saw several users posting help requests with this. For my problem with textures shown above, I saw something about :
set options=-export -uncook -groupsthat might help. Im sorry if none of this makes sense to you. I'm totally new to modding with this tool.