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Topic: Blade & Soul (Read 186768 times)
Jr. Member
Posts: 44
Re: Blade & Soul
Reply #195 on:
March 27, 2017, 18:13 »
I tried unpack some more packs, now i see i can unpack just files with no animations inside. So you are right. I can unpack files without animations files inside.
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Posts: 133
Re: Blade & Soul
Reply #196 on:
March 27, 2017, 18:59 »
Quote from: plechito on March 27, 2017, 18:13
I tried unpack some more packs, now i see i can unpack just files with no animations inside. So you are right. I can unpack files without animations files inside.
stop ask unpack model + animation don't work on client 2016 +
do not ask this Gildor no want fix this
Hero Member
Posts: 7969
Re: Blade & Soul
Reply #197 on:
March 27, 2017, 19:11 »
Quote from: godskin on March 27, 2017, 18:59
stop ask unpack model + animation don't work on client 2016 +
do not ask this Gildor no want fix this
Hey man, this is not a 2 hours of work. This is a lot of work, even with use of documentation provided by one man (I don't remember his name). And it is possible that documentation is not correct, in this case all of my work will be put to trash. So, "don't want" is not a suitable term here. I can estimate the amount of work, and I have different priorities for different things. Not sure if you know what is "priority", I'll try to describe. I work 8-10 hours a day. And I have a family, children. And I have other projects. And sometimes I'm improving UModel, doing things which affects not just 1 game, but many games at once. And now, one man requests - "hey, I want to extract animation from one game" - should I drop everything, and spend 1 month of my free time doing that? Forget about everything else, forget about family, just do work for fun of several people? And later, when B&S authors will notice that I've supported thing which didn't work before - it's just 10 mins for them to change something in B&S code so all of my work will go to trash after next game's update. Understand? I don't think so, because I explained that to YOU many times, and after that still getting "support B&S animations" messages.
Last Edit: March 27, 2017, 19:15 by Gildor
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Posts: 106
Re: Blade & Soul
Reply #198 on:
March 27, 2017, 21:15 »
@godskin: Grow the hell up man. It's already once been supported and the files are out there to be found if you look for a few minutes, but isn't anymore for reasons Gildor's listed over and over again. Your attitude is becoming cancerous to the forum and Gildor is being overly
in repeating and explaining himself - something I'd never do if I had a family and active lifestyle like he does. You're honestly coming off as overly childish with your demands and almost toxic. Do you realize how many amazing games simply can't be supported or haven't been - top of the line titles with completely original content like Fable Legends? Stuff happens and yeah, it sucks if our favorite games aren't supported (trust me, I know), but it's life and it happens - move on.
@Gildor: You're explaining it over and over and he isn't getting the message when you put it nicely. Life happens, we understand. I've been on the forum for years now and honestly appreciate every minute you do spend updating and looking at titles (even the Asian MMO's which you aren't fond of to begin with). I'm sure it gets tiring hearing the same requests over and over again, but understand not all of the community is like this. I myself love the art style common in a lot of Asian MMO games and the monsters that are routinely portrayed in each with new variations on old ideas - hence why I always come back to see what's new time and time again. But, if I were you I'd lock this topic with a final word and not stress yourself over it. Those of us who know you're busy and have a life will understand (those that aren't happy about it can look elsewhere). You're honestly too nice sometimes.
Hero Member
Posts: 7969
Re: Blade & Soul
Reply #199 on:
March 27, 2017, 21:29 »
Thank you for support and for understanding, Chrono.
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Posts: 106
Re: Blade & Soul
Reply #200 on:
March 27, 2017, 21:38 »
Quote from: Gildor on March 27, 2017, 21:29
Thank you for support and for understanding, Chrono.
No problem man. It nags me to see posts turn out like this (even if I was impatient at times before). This probably is a hobby for a lot of us or a tool to study game development and modeling. I'm not trying to "white knight", but we don't
and we certainly won't die without being able to view and manipulate these assets - we're enjoying a luxury that you provide. Point blank though, without you this wouldn't be a thing (just like jailbreaking on the iPhone wouldn't exist as it is today without Saurik) and some respect is due.
Hero Member
Posts: 7969
Re: Blade & Soul
Reply #201 on:
April 03, 2017, 11:45 »
Hi guys. I've spent my morning on B&S support. Now animation is fully supported. I don't have mesh-animation pairs for testing, so testing on your side is highly advised!
Just to make this test more noticeable:
Blade & Soul animation is fully supported now. Don't forget to override game to B&S!
Sorry for very long time before I did the support. Today I noticed that I don't have anything important for UModel, and I'm quite relaxed at work, so I decided to spend some time on this game. As I expected,
documentation made by Sippey
wasn't fully correct, so I was forced to do some experiments. However, Sippey helped a lot.
Jr. Member
Posts: 44
Re: Blade & Soul
Reply #202 on:
April 03, 2017, 13:25 »
Gildor, there is no words to say You Thanks! I appreciate it, really. I've sent some small donation. Works perfect now. Thank you!!
Posts: 15
Re: Blade & Soul
Reply #203 on:
April 03, 2017, 13:52 »
Does this work with the newest game client?
Full Member
Posts: 106
Re: Blade & Soul
Reply #204 on:
April 03, 2017, 18:35 »
Holy !@#$. Now this can finally be laid to rest. Rejoice Asian MMO lovers, rejoice!
Edit: This would have been a funny April Fool's joke to say it was supported and leave everyone wondering if it was.
Last Edit: April 03, 2017, 18:40 by Chrono
Hero Member
Posts: 7969
Re: Blade & Soul
Reply #205 on:
April 03, 2017, 18:44 »
Quote from: Chrono on April 03, 2017, 18:35
This would have been a funny April Fool's joke to say it was supported and leave everyone wondering if it was.
Jr. Member
Posts: 44
Re: Blade & Soul
Reply #206 on:
April 03, 2017, 19:30 »
I thought the same first
Full Member
Posts: 205
Re: Blade & Soul
Reply #207 on:
April 04, 2017, 14:05 »
Oh crap, i'll have to dld KR B&S now, i expect a sleepless night °°
Thanks (?) Gildor
Posts: 5
Re: Blade & Soul
Reply #208 on:
April 04, 2017, 16:10 »
Access violation (C0000005) at umodel.exe+0x2DEF
ExportObject:AnimSet'Standard_Summoner_LynF_Animset' <- ExportObjects <- CUmodelApp::ShowPackageUI <- Main:umodel_version=574
Hero Member
Posts: 7969
Re: Blade & Soul
Reply #209 on:
April 04, 2017, 16:11 »
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