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Author Topic: Star Wars Jedi Survivor  (Read 4653 times)
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Star Wars Jedi Survivor
« on: April 26, 2023, 11:25 »

The game is updated to UE 4.26 but custom just like the first game, kboykboy over on the Jedi Survivor modding discord edited umodel's Jedi Fallen Order profile to 4.26 which seemed to somewhat work but it only opens a 1 or 2 skeletal meshes,a couple static ones and no animations.

Here is a sample file to see if anyone can get any farther, if anymore are needed just let me know and i'll upload them.
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Re: Star Wars Jedi: Survivor
« Reply #1 on: April 26, 2023, 21:25 »

Game: Star Wars Jedi: Survivor (steam page)
UE4 version: 4.26

All should work with specific build from this topic with game specific override option. Most materials are custom and you may need to disable shaders for better previewing (Ctrl+G). There are too many animations compatible with particular meshes and it's better to work with them in batches via append option.

Update: Game support has been reworked in the updated build to fix some crashes.

* Clipboard01.jpg (120.54 KB, 2548x1238 - viewed 614 times.)
« Last Edit: October 24, 2023, 21:43 by spiritovod » Logged
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Re: Star Wars Jedi: Survivor
« Reply #2 on: April 26, 2023, 22:01 »

Game: Star Wars Jedi: Survivor (steam page)
UE4 version: 4.26

All should work with specific build from this topic with game specific override option. Most materials are custom. Batch operations are not recommended, it's better to limit their scope to particular folders.

Any chance i can get a list of changes you made?, i am creating a custom build of unreal engine to allow modding, like i did for Jedi: Fallen Order, i already got static meshes mostly working, not 100% sure i have the change in the correct line of code, but it does work, i can figure out skeletal meshes myself as well, but it would just save me time if i could get the changes inside of the umodel source, i could then match that up to ue4 source
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Re: Star Wars Jedi Survivor
« Reply #3 on: April 27, 2023, 00:56 »

@kboykboy2: Aside from that normals thing from previous game, there are two additional bools at the end of FStaticMeshLODModel serialization, after ReversedIBsSize, and also bool at the end of SerializeRenderItem - for every lod, except the last one, where one bool is not present in both cases (probably something conditional). Though due to how SerializeRenderItem is processed, in umodel it's rather beginning of every lod, except the first one. All those values are always zero though, at least in tested assets.
« Last Edit: April 27, 2023, 01:23 by spiritovod » Logged
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Re: Star Wars Jedi Survivor
« Reply #4 on: April 27, 2023, 04:03 »

@spiritovod: Awesome!, Your help is much appreciated, i was able to throw those changes into ue4 and now my packaged assets can be opened with your umodel build, And seems to be working perfectly
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Re: Star Wars Jedi Survivor
« Reply #5 on: May 12, 2023, 00:06 »

Hi, Thank you so much for supporting this game!
I ran into some blocky weights on the faces. Is it possible they may use more than 8 weights per vert? I already used the 'export all weights' option on gltf files but the problem still persists.

Here are some samples if you ever feel like taking a look:
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Re: Star Wars Jedi Survivor
« Reply #6 on: May 12, 2023, 02:27 »

@xBaebsae: Unfortunately providing separate samples for games using io store packages (utoc/ucas) is useless, since umodel can't recognize them due to format specifics (assets can be deserialized only from the whole package + global container). I'll take a look at it later, while for now you can provide screenshot where the issue is clearly visible in a third party app. Note that according to feedback, glTF exported from umodel would look correct only in blender, and also make sure you're using compatible animation for tests, because of possible issues with retargeting.
« Last Edit: May 12, 2023, 02:39 by spiritovod » Logged
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Re: Star Wars Jedi Survivor
« Reply #7 on: May 12, 2023, 03:09 »

@xBaebsae: Unfortunately providing separate samples for games using io store packages (utoc/ucas) is useless, since umodel can't recognize them due to format specifics (assets can be deserialized only from the whole package + global container). I'll take a look at it later, while for now you can provide screenshot where the issue is clearly visible in a third party app. Note that according to feedback, glTF exported from umodel would look correct only in blender, and also make sure you're using compatible animation for tests, because of possible issues with retargeting.

Oh i had no idea that's how it works now >< Here are two images showing the issues, taken in Blender

The game uses MetaHuman rigged heads with a lot of face bones which is why i suspected there may be more weights than 8. It's just a guess though... maybe they hide this ingame somehow differently. Thank you for replying  Smiley
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Re: Star Wars Jedi Survivor
« Reply #8 on: May 14, 2023, 02:09 »

@xBaebsae: I've checked the mesh and all weights are exported correctly with respective option, which is also visible around neck / forehead when you compare exports with it and without. It should be something else - like reasons explained here, or retargeting (glTF doesn't store such data), or something game specific. My guess it's due of retargeting, because it looks much better with forced mesh translation.
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Re: Star Wars Jedi Survivor
« Reply #9 on: May 14, 2023, 15:25 »

@xBaebsae: I've checked the mesh and all weights are exported correctly with respective option, which is also visible around neck / forehead when you compare exports with it and without. It should be something else - like reasons explained here, or retargeting (glTF doesn't store such data), or something game specific. My guess it's due of retargeting, because it looks much better with forced mesh translation.

Thank you for looking into it and for the explanation  Smiley
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Re: Star Wars Jedi Survivor
« Reply #10 on: May 16, 2023, 04:07 »

Hello @xBaebsae, try the glTF with appended Hero_CS_TeamKill_01 animation in Godot game engine (place glTF files into Godot game project folder). psa animations sometimes act odd in Blender, might be the scale difference.
« Last Edit: May 18, 2023, 01:18 by Dreadfred » Logged
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Re: Star Wars Jedi Survivor
« Reply #11 on: May 20, 2023, 14:44 »

Hello there!

I'm not new to umodel but its the first time I try to export "landscapes". I'm trying this from levels folder but getting always error msgs like this:

assertion failed: ItemCount == S.NumVertices

FStaticMeshVertexBuffer4<< <- FStaticMeshLODModel4::SerializeBuffers <- FStaticMeshLODModel4<< <- TArray::Serialize: 0/1 <- UStaticMesh4::Serialize <- LoadObject: StaticMesh4'BIKE100_Art_0_HLOD.SM_BIKE100_Art_0_HLOD_0_JED_CaveShell_02b7', pos=1B88BC, ver=522/0, game=ue4.26 <- UObject::EndLoad <- LoadWholePackage: /Game/Levels/Jedha/BIKE_District/BIKE100/HLOD/BIKE100_Art_0_HLOD.uasset <- ExportPackages <- UIMenuItem::HandleCommand <- UIMenu::Popup <- UIBaseDialog::WndProc <- UIBaseDialog::CustomMessageLoop <- UIBaseDialog::ShowDialog: modal=1, title="Choose a package to open" <- CUmodelApp::ShowPackageUI <- Main: umodel_build=1579 based

Is it possible to export landscapes from Jedi Survivour? Would be nice because I'm working on a personal project and it would be nice if I can use it.

Thank you for your help!
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Re: Star Wars Jedi Survivor
« Reply #12 on: May 23, 2023, 05:45 »

@ChrisGFX: You need to use game specific override at startup screen (Unreal 4 -> Game Name) instead of generic engine override.
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Re: Star Wars Jedi Survivor
« Reply #13 on: May 23, 2023, 11:01 »

thank you for the reply! I'll try it.
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Re: Star Wars Jedi Survivor
« Reply #14 on: October 23, 2023, 21:08 »

I get this error:

Serializing behind stopper (70660+800000 > 8CD7E)
FIOStoreFile::Serialize <- TArray::SerializeSimple <- FStaticLODModel4::SerializeRenderItem <- TArray::Serialize: 1/5 <- USkeletalMesh4::Serialize <- LoadObject: SkeletalMesh4'Wide_M_UpperBodyA.Wide_M_UpperBodyA', pos=706EA, ver=522/0, game=jedi2 <- UObject::EndLoad <- LoadWholePackage: /Game/Characters/BaseMale/Rig/CantinaNPC/UpperBody/Wide_M_UpperBodyA.uasset <- ExportPackages <- UIMenuItem::HandleCommand <- UIMenu::Popup <- UIBaseDialog::WndProc <- UIBaseDialog::CustomMessageLoop <- UIBaseDialog::ShowDialog: modal=1, title="Choose a package to open" <- CUmodelApp::ShowPackageUI <- Main: umodel_build=1579 based25408

What am I doing wrong, I just selected to export folder with no morphs or weight maps checked.

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