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Author Topic: Splinter Cell Chaos Theory - StaticMesh  (Read 1221 times)
Re: Splinter Cell Chaos Theory - StaticMesh
« Reply #15 on: September 17, 2023, 13:53 »

I assume it wouldn't be as difficult as Splinter Cell 1 isn't nearly as modified as SCCT/SCDA.
SC1 StaticMeshes format isn't modified, so it won't be a problem.

I'm currently working on a project on porting some SC levels to a different engine myself...
Most of the geometry was made by regular Brush, without which porting will be difficult / tedious .
Q: How do you want to port these levels without access to the geometry?
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Re: Splinter Cell Chaos Theory - StaticMesh
« Reply #16 on: September 18, 2023, 01:49 »

I assume it wouldn't be as difficult as Splinter Cell 1 isn't nearly as modified as SCCT/SCDA.
SC1 StaticMeshes format isn't modified, so it won't be a problem.

I'm currently working on a project on porting some SC levels to a different engine myself...
Most of the geometry was made by regular Brush, without which porting will be difficult / tedious .
Q: How do you want to port these levels without access to the geometry?

I've finished porting all of Police Station's BSP geometry to UnrealEd, maintaining exact 1:1 scale from original game. I measured everything manually and it took hours of work and is definitely tedious. I just need to figure out the StaticMeshes, and the lighting is going to be redone from scratch anyways, taking advantage of new engine.

If you know how to export StaticMeshes from the game, I would really appreciate it, thanks. Pandora Tomorrow would also be nice, but my focus is SC1 for now.
Re: Splinter Cell Chaos Theory - StaticMesh
« Reply #17 on: September 20, 2023, 03:38 »

1. I did some apps way back - if not, I can write the new one (I should still have its files formats, so it won't be difficult).
2. At some point Ubisoft provided Pandora Tomorrow editor - check the net.
3. Just curious: do you have a website or video showing your work? Cause I have hard time to believe to this '1:1 ... manual measurement' - unless you use some app to dump Direct3D geometry.
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Re: Splinter Cell Chaos Theory - StaticMesh
« Reply #18 on: September 20, 2023, 03:49 »

1. I did some apps way back - if not, I can write the new one (I should still have its files formats, so it won't be difficult).
Sounds good, I really appreciate it, thanks for taking the time.

2. At some point Ubisoft provided Pandora Tomorrow editor - check the net.

The Pandora Tomorrow Editor is for Versus mode, completely different engine build developed by Ubisoft Annecy, that would not help us for Ubisoft Shanghai's single player StaticMeshes.

3. Just curious: do you have a website or video showing your work? Cause I have hard time to believe to this '1:1 ... manual measurement' - unless you use some app to dump Direct3D geometry.

Yeah, I will share a video demonstration in a bit. It is very tedious to do, but as you said there is no way to just export the BSP/CSG brushes that is known for these games. I plan on doing more level ports, so I would like to get all StaticMesh packages for SC1 not just Tbilisi.

I have finished Police Station (part 1-3) all inside 1 Unreal map file, I will demonstrate it using SCCT Versus engine as the Versus Spy has the same unit speed / collision size as Sam in the single player games in SC1-3. This will eventually get ported to a superior engine.
« Last Edit: September 20, 2023, 04:13 by Joshhhuaaa » Logged
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Re: Splinter Cell Chaos Theory - StaticMesh
« Reply #19 on: September 20, 2023, 04:05 »

3. Just curious: do you have a website or video showing your work? Cause I have hard time to believe to this '1:1 ... manual measurement' - unless you use some app to dump Direct3D geometry.

Here is a video example that I recorded a few weeks ago. I did not guess any brush sizes, it was all manually measured in SC1's engine, using Unreal's XYZ coordinates.

I wasn't entirely finished with the out of bounds area during this recording (like streets and alleys that Sam usually can't access during gameplay), but it is all finished as of now, just waiting on the StaticMeshes.

Re: Splinter Cell Chaos Theory - StaticMesh
« Reply #20 on: September 20, 2023, 11:25 »

Forgot to mention: Ubisoft is working on SC1 remake - from the footage it looks more like port than remake/remaster.
So where is the point?
2nd. Fixing Gildors app will be faster - ask him.
« Last Edit: September 20, 2023, 12:26 by VendorX » Logged
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Re: Splinter Cell Chaos Theory - StaticMesh
« Reply #21 on: September 20, 2023, 14:29 »

Forgot to mention: Ubisoft is working on SC1 remake - from the footage it looks more like port than remake/remaster.
So where is the point?

SC Remake is still several years away, and who knows if it will be any good, given it's modern-day Ubisoft. Even so, there always will be interest in classic SC1-4.

I plan to port the levels to a superior engine and make enhancements once StaticMeshes are exported. Expanding on the ideas that SCCT/SCDA had in their mission design for the original SC1 levels.

2nd. Fixing Gildors app will be faster - ask him.

I think Glidor has no interest in the Splinter Cell series anymore, I highly doubt he'll be interested in taking the time to fix this unless spiritovod may be interested.

Porting the level's geometry alone took many hours, I'm dedicated not to let it go to waste and hopefully release something in the end. I'm willing to donate if anyone could make a tool or a modified version of UModel that can export the StaticMeshes correctly for SC1.
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Re: Splinter Cell Chaos Theory - StaticMesh
« Reply #22 on: September 20, 2023, 23:29 »

Added initial support for static meshes to specific build from this topic. I only checked the first Splinter Cell though, but maybe it works with some other games from the series as well. Not sure about UVs, they seem scaled for some meshes. Also not sure about linking materials, but last value in sections may be reference to material object.

Update: Textures are partially being parsed in the updated build now, though it doesn't work for some meshes.
Update 2: Support for static meshes from Pandora Tomorrow (offline version) is added to specific build.
Update 3: Support for static meshes from Pandora Tomorrow (online) and Chaos Theory (versus) is added to specific build, without textures for now.
Update 4: Textures from Pandora Tomorrow (online) and Chaos Theory (versus) are now supported as well.
Update 5: Support for static meshes from Double Agent (online) is added to specific build.
Update 6: Support for static meshes from Chaos Theory (offline) is added to specific build (those from dynamic-pc.umd). Also a few fixes for textures from that version are added to prevent crashes.

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« Last Edit: April 03, 2024, 00:00 by spiritovod » Logged
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Re: Splinter Cell Chaos Theory - StaticMesh
« Reply #23 on: September 21, 2023, 02:17 »

Added initial support for static meshes to specific build from this topic. I only checked the first Splinter Cell though, but maybe it works with some other games from the series as well. Not sure about UVs, they seem scaled for some meshes. Also not sure about linking materials, but last value in sections may be reference to material object.

Update: Textures are partially being parsed in the updated build now, though it doesn't work for some meshes.

That's fine, I'll be glad to just get the original Splinter Cell working for now. I'll give it a look, thanks.
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Re: Splinter Cell Chaos Theory - StaticMesh
« Reply #24 on: September 21, 2023, 02:52 »

Static meshes from Pandora Tomorrow should be supported now as well.
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Re: Splinter Cell Chaos Theory - StaticMesh
« Reply #25 on: September 22, 2023, 02:41 »

Static meshes from Pandora Tomorrow should be supported now as well.

Just downloaded the updated build to test them, works great for both games. Splinter Cell 1's packages seem to have no issues, I've imported all of the meshes needed for the level. These were the two main games that I was interested in and that seem feasible to support.

To clear any confusion about the games, Ubisoft Annecy developed their own Unreal Engine 2 build for SCPT, SCCT, and SCDA's Versus multiplayer modes. After SCDA, they scrapped the Annecy engine, and Blacklist's single player and multiplayer run on the single player engine base that started it all.

SCPT Versus and SCCT Versus have a publicly released Unreal Editor so you can just export their StaticMeshes in their UnrealEd to .ASE format if anyone wanted to export them. Texture exports are strangely not supported in .DDS format but they aren't difficult to rip using other tools.

SCDA Versus could be interesting to support, that game never had a Unreal Editor released to the public and is a updated version of the SCPT/SCCT Versus engine base. Unlike SCDA's single player, SCDA Versus has its Textures and StaticMeshes in their typical .utx/.usx instead of the weird Ubisoft containers. However, I have no idea whether SCDA Versus is equally as difficult as SCCT/SCDA's modified packages or not.

Anyways, thanks a lot, especially for taking the time to even add SCPT single player on top of it. And if you accept donations at all for your work like paypal, I'm happy to support.
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Re: Splinter Cell Chaos Theory - StaticMesh
« Reply #26 on: September 23, 2023, 18:11 »

@Joshhhuaaa: I think the best contribution would be providing more info about game series in some structured form. For example, you can create dedicated topic in "Other games" section with list of games from the series and add some notes about existing variants on per game basis (online/offline/other platforms), used formats (native UE/proprietary with extensions), existing solutions (like editors, shipped with some games), compatibility with umodel from your own experience (for example, I doubt Double Agent is  actually supported, see this post), existing third-party tools for games formats and things like that. It would be much appreciated. Or you can just provide some feedback of your own choice, which may potentially help with future researches.
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Re: Splinter Cell Chaos Theory - StaticMesh
« Reply #27 on: September 25, 2023, 12:30 »

@Joshhhuaaa: I think the best contribution would be providing more info about game series in some structured form. For example, you can create dedicated topic in "Other games" section with list of games from the series and add some notes about existing variants on per game basis (online/offline/other platforms), used formats (native UE/proprietary with extensions), existing solutions (like editors, shipped with some games), compatibility with umodel from your own experience (for example, I doubt Double Agent is  actually supported, see this post), existing third-party tools for games formats and things like that. It would be much appreciated. Or you can just provide some feedback of your own choice, which may potentially help with future researches.

Made a topic in "Other games", tried to be detailed as I can for anyone interested but I'm not too knowledgeable about the actual file structures/formats. Hope it helps, thanks for your work again.
Re: Splinter Cell Series (SC1-4)
« Reply #28 on: April 02, 2024, 23:00 »

Static meshes from Chaos Theory (offline) are now supported as well (those from dynamic-pc.umd). Also a few fixes for textures from that version are added to prevent crashes.

So what's the magics behind UVs? Can you elaborate?
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Re: Splinter Cell Series (SC1-4)
« Reply #29 on: April 03, 2024, 02:46 »

@VendorX: Since UVs are packed floats there, after unpacking they should be somehow scaled (which was explained here). Artificial scaling with simple multiplying them up to normalized values works fine in most cases, for the rest - where proportions are not preserved due to TexScaler or something - I guess manual adjustment in third-party tools is required (blender, etc). I'm surely not going to dig into how the game is actually doing it.
« Last Edit: April 03, 2024, 02:53 by spiritovod » Logged
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