Umodel refactoring

I've spent a lot of time in last month working on the thing which I was planned for a very long time - refactoring of the umodel's SkeletalMesh, StaticMesh and Animation systems. The older implementation was based on UT2004 data formats  (for historical reasons) and was almost unextendible. New implementation has separate animation system which is not based on Unreal data formats, so I can add new features here without risks to loose compatibility with older game engines.

There are new major features in umodel:

  • supported a few UV sets in Skeletal and Static mesh
  • correct animation playback and export for UE3-based games with use of AnimRotationOnly feature (TRON and Gears of War 3 animations were fixed, plus improved support for older games like UT3)
  • implemented support for StaticMesh LODs

ActorX Importer were also updated to reflect new changes in umodel.

For more details look at the forum and readme.