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Quake 2
Here's some information about my Quake 2 modifications which I worked on a few years ago. The project is almost frozen.
- overall improvement of the game engine
- performance improvements
- to provide more eye-candy picture
- to support content from other popular Quake-based games
- new features should not break compatibility with existing game mods and original game servers
- fully network compatible with original Quake 2 - "old clients" could connect to "my server", and "my clients" could connect to "old server"
- fully compatible with mods for original Quake 2 (there's no changes made to the game.dll interface)
- added some funny gameplay features (hardcoded into the engine) - like anti-camper sounds
- visuals:
- support for Quake 3 shaders (with some extensions)
- realtime directional lighting for meshes
- fast dynamic lights
- lightflares (configurable individually for each map)
- significantly better quality of .cin video playback
- content:
- ability to play with maps from other games - Quake 1, Quake 3, Kingpin, Half-Life (engine performs on-fly conversion of the map format during loading process, entity descriptions are also preprocessed)
- ability to use Quake 3 player models
- user interface:
- better player selection UI
- level browser UI
- displaying screenshots in savegame browser
- customizable keyboard bindings UI
- displaying Quake 3 levelshots and progress indicator during map load
- system:
- much faster content downloading
- the game works nice with large FPS (original game has troubles with this), added possibility to work with very small timescale (timescale 0 will freeze the game)
- support for .zip paks, archives could be "mounted" (Unix term) on the file systems at any time
example: "mount ../quake3/baseq3/*.pk3" will mount all paks from Quake 3 located nearby to Quake 2 - fast fixed pipeline OpenGL renderer with extensive use of multitexturing (has paths for NV, ATI and ARB)
- a lot of debugging features
- and many more ...
Things yet to do
- finish Quake3 level support (there's no support for curved surfaces yet)
- there's some problems with mesh lighting on Half-Life maps due to removed information about surface lights
- there's a problem with some large Quake3 maps (especially CTF maps) - they're not fit into Quake2's -4096..+4096 bounds (fix will require modifications of both game.dll and engine, so game mod compatibility will be lost)
- probably add support for Unreal Tournament 2003/2004 player models (either directly use ukx, or psk, or at least some way to convert ukx to my own mesh format usable by Quake)
- even more improve mesh lighting
- probably add some GLSL effects (bloom, reflections, better lighting ...)
- possibility to add fog regions for pre-Quake3 maps (with text config)
- add Quake3-like portal support
- make UT2004-like shadows (blob or blured projection)
- add resource management - should free unneeded resources on map change
Quake 2 files | Размер 4.37 Мб | Обновлено 4 октябрь, 2019 - 15:24 | Скачано 3034 раз |
Installation: extract .zip contents to Quake 2 directory.
Source code
The source code is available on GitHub
Support for content from other games
Modified user interface