Which idle animations? if they are additives then they ain't supported.
Hello, i really would like to extract the idle animation of the hero as well but when i tried so i always got this error message :
Loading AnimSequence4 Hero_Menu_Idle from package /Game/Characters/Hero/Animation/Idles/Menu/Hero_Menu_Idle.uasset
Loading Skeleton Hero_rig_Skeleton from package /Game/Characters/Hero/Rig/Skeleton/Hero_rig_Skeleton.uasset
WARNING: StructProperty "USkeleton::VirtualBoneGuid" was not found
WARNING: ArrayProperty "USkeleton::Sockets" was not found
WARNING: ArrayProperty "USkeleton::SlotGroups" was not found
******** Loading object Skeleton'Hero_rig_Skeleton.Hero_rig_Skeleton' ********
*** AnimSequence Hero_Menu_Idle has wrong CompressedTrackOffsets size (has 0, expected 1520), removing track
Exporting objects ...
Memory: allocated 44763297 bytes in 222808 blocks
Exported 0/0 objects in 0.0 sec
This happened for every idle animations extraction in the Characters/Hero/Animation/Idles folder.
Sorry for the bad english