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Author Topic: UModel does not open new Lineage 2 packages  (Read 5005 times)
L2tool User
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UModel does not open new Lineage 2 packages
« on: February 22, 2020, 15:34 »

Any chance to add support for new lineage 2 packages from korean servers?
now it gives error when trying to open

******** Loading object SkeletalMesh'LineageWeapons3.vampire_archer_weapone' ********

ERROR: Memory: bad allocation size -264241148 bytes
appMalloc:size=-264241148 (total=0 Mbytes) <- FArray::Empty:-66060287 x 4 <- TArray::SerializeSimple <- USkeletalMesh::Serialize <- LoadObject:SkeletalMesh'LineageWeapons3.vampire_archer_weapone', pos=6D1B3, ver=133/40, game=l2 <- UObject::EndLoad <- LoadWholePackage:LineageWeapons3 <- ExportPackages <- CUmodelApp::ShowPackageUI <- Main:umodel_build=1175

******** Loading object SkeletalMesh'LineageWeapons3.vampire_archer_weapone' ********

ERROR: Memory: bad allocation size -264241148 bytes
appMalloc:size=-264241148 (total=0 Mbytes) <- FArray::Empty:-66060287 x 4 <- TArray::SerializeSimple <- USkeletalMesh::Serialize <- LoadObject:SkeletalMesh'LineageWeapons3.vampire_archer_weapone', pos=6D1B3, ver=133/40, game=l2 <- UObject::EndLoad <- LoadWholePackage:LineageWeapons3 <- CUmodelApp::ShowPackageUI <- Main:umodel_build=1175

« Last Edit: September 08, 2020, 14:41 by Gildor » Logged
Hero Member
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Re: Umodel does not open new lineage 2 packages from korea
« Reply #1 on: February 22, 2020, 17:02 »

Just use something better - UE4 Lineage. There are 2 games, one of them is (I think) clone of Lineage 2:,6898.0.html

Another has name "Lineage Revolution" I think.
L2tool User
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Re: Umodel does not open new lineage 2 packages from korea
« Reply #2 on: April 29, 2020, 16:07 »

hi, ty for your reply and for your work, is priceless.

the thing is we are a huge l2 modding community and we need l2 to work, not other projects, l2 is still getting almost monthly updates.
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Error loading some packages
« Reply #3 on: September 08, 2020, 14:17 »

i tried to open latest patch L2 and some package cannot load , ex : LineageNPCs2.ukx

anyone else had same problem?
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Re: Error loading some packages
« Reply #4 on: September 08, 2020, 14:40 »

I'm not aware of various L2 versions, however package file version is the same in all 3 threads: 133/40
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Re: UModel does not open new Lineage 2 packages
« Reply #5 on: September 08, 2020, 14:43 »

I've tried to merge multiple "can't open L2 packages" threads into a single one. Doesn't look nice, but ...
Posts: 4

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Re: UModel does not open new Lineage 2 packages
« Reply #6 on: September 09, 2020, 21:09 »

Yes, I have exactly the same problem, some .ukx files do not open. As far as I know, the Korean client has a different serialization.
This is precisely the point.

Please engage in the development of Umodel for the new Korean ukx.
Donate from me.
« Last Edit: September 10, 2020, 14:35 by Altermann » Logged
L2tool User
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Re: UModel does not open new Lineage 2 packages
« Reply #7 on: October 16, 2020, 10:38 »

Yes, I have exactly the same problem, some .ukx files do not open. As far as I know, the Korean client has a different serialization.
This is precisely the point.

Please engage in the development of Umodel for the new Korean ukx.
Donate from me.

yes this happens since like 6 months or a since a year ago, korean packages cannot open with umodel anymore, would be priceless if it could, we pray for gildor to be the champion that will make our dream come true.
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Re: UModel does not open new Lineage 2 packages
« Reply #8 on: October 16, 2020, 10:52 »

I really do not understand the interest to this very old game with poor graphics, I don't feel that it "must be supported". There's another similar game, UE3 Tera, which lost compatibility after some update. Other games exists too. I can't support ALL of them, especially taking into account that the compatibility could be lost again. I've fixed similar issues several times - but shouldn't I stop at some point of time? I have very limited time for improving UModel, and I definitely should "filter" issues and see what's worth doing, and what - not.

I have big plans for UModel, not related to any game, but rather things which will improve experience for ALL of them. These plans requires too much time, so I can't even start it: if I'll start, my job will be under impact, because sometimes it's very hard to keep umodel and primary work in the head at the same time. This is not just words, I already lost a lot of time because of doing umodel stuff - can't do my job because the head is filled with thoughts about umodel. With per-hour salary payments, this directly impacts my family's income. I think if I'd accumulate all time lost because of umodel work, and convert to money - I'd be able to buy an expensive car. I'm not meaning "pay me, and I'll do the work" - I'm saying this just to explain things.
Posts: 4

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Re: UModel does not open new Lineage 2 packages
« Reply #9 on: October 16, 2020, 12:08 »

Yes, I have exactly the same problem, some .ukx files do not open. As far as I know, the Korean client has a different serialization.
This is precisely the point.

Please engage in the development of Umodel for the new Korean ukx.
Donate from me.

yes this happens since like 6 months or a since a year ago, korean packages cannot open with umodel anymore, would be priceless if it could, we pray for gildor to be the champion that will make our dream come true.

Gildor is our last hope.
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Re: UModel does not open new Lineage 2 packages
« Reply #10 on: October 16, 2020, 13:45 »

Too many talks. I've spontaneously re-added support for new Lineage 2. Tested with 12Gb archive provided somewhere in this thread, everything works.

NCSoft has increased precision of VertexMesh objects, and UModel crashed with it. I'm downgrading mesh format - losing precision, but made with "low blood".

I've picked up an unpacked engine.dll from this thread, so if you want to donate - better send money to that girl (AlisaCodeDragon).
Jr. Member
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Re: UModel does not open new Lineage 2 packages
« Reply #11 on: October 26, 2020, 02:19 »

Too many talks. I've spontaneously re-added support for new Lineage 2. Tested with 12Gb archive provided somewhere in this thread, everything works.

Hi gildor, thanks for adding support for L2. It's an old unreal engine game but dev community of this game is very alive.

Anyway I got still problem, the same the guys had before you updated umodel, unfortunatelly with patch coming out the problem seems to come back again and again. I know you are not gonna update umodel every time a patch break the compatibility so my question is :

since we got big .upk archives and just couple of files inside them make impossible for umodel to open or extract content, is there any posibility to make umodel skip the files that give error? So at least we could extract all the remaining content

* error.png (42.48 KB, 542x232 - viewed 553 times.)
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Re: UModel does not open new Lineage 2 packages
« Reply #12 on: October 26, 2020, 10:59 »

It is not possible to bypass error. This is an architectural decision made 13 years ago, and I can't change it.
I "can" suppress error, with a cost of memory leaks and possibly undefined behavior somewhere, so I won't do that.
Regarding latest UModel update for L2, I just got the recent game files and the recent unpacked DLL's available here on this forum board. If there were newer game files, nobody posted them. Repeating the work means "do this work twice". If someone will post game files, I'll need an unpacked Core/Engine.dll for this version of the game. I spent a couple of hours just recognizing which system I should use (I used files from "SYSTEM_FAFURION_196P_NA" thread) - with trial and error I compared package versions stored inside Core.dll with error reports posted by users (133/40).
Posts: 13

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Re: UModel does not open new Lineage 2 packages
« Reply #13 on: October 31, 2020, 04:39 »


it seemes like you're not planning to update Lineage2 anymore, but could you do it maybe for a last time? I know that sounds absolutly stupid and you problably have better things to do, but i give it a shot anyway.

I love this game. With all my passion. I know that you don't like the graphics and the fact that this is so old, but this is what i grew up with. I used to export the models for my fan game (private use only) which i can't continue properly because since the last update, some packages throw errors (LineageMonsters5 as example) and i searched the whole internet for a game archive pre-last-patch.

If you don't waste the time on this game anymore, it is absolutly understandable. I would love if someone had the full client before this breaking patch came live and could provide me the download link, i would appreciate it so much.
L2tool User
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Re: UModel does not open new Lineage 2 packages
« Reply #14 on: December 30, 2020, 11:44 »

I really do not understand the interest to this very old game with poor graphics, I don't feel that it "must be supported". There's another similar game, UE3 Tera, which lost compatibility after some update. Other games exists too. I can't support ALL of them, especially taking into account that the compatibility could be lost again. I've fixed similar issues several times - but shouldn't I stop at some point of time? I have very limited time for improving UModel, and I definitely should "filter" issues and see what's worth doing, and what - not.

I have big plans for UModel, not related to any game, but rather things which will improve experience for ALL of them. These plans requires too much time, so I can't even start it: if I'll start, my job will be under impact, because sometimes it's very hard to keep umodel and primary work in the head at the same time. This is not just words, I already lost a lot of time because of doing umodel stuff - can't do my job because the head is filled with thoughts about umodel. With per-hour salary payments, this directly impacts my family's income. I think if I'd accumulate all time lost because of umodel work, and convert to money - I'd be able to buy an expensive car. I'm not meaning "pay me, and I'll do the work" - I'm saying this just to explain things.

hello Gildor,
I think you lose alot which you could gain in direct donations from lineage 2 as follows:
I have been offered ukx compatibility for 500 us by some users i won t name
We many time pays hundreads of us for l2 client related stuff such as adaptations of models, interface and others
There are many such developers that offer such services for hundreads of dollars per user

What i suggest:
Set up a donations page for lineage 2 related development, with a target donation for which it would be worth for you to work on l2 related things, such as ukx compatibility, adding animations into an already made ukx, maybe even a modded l2 unreal editor which can open and save already made ukx meshes with animations and append new ones or change (such things exist, and makes such as lordfrost and others who leech their work are payed hundreads of dollars or more for such).

I think most just use your work, modify it and resell it, it s a shame you are not getting any of it also your work would be probably  better quality also.

Maybe you could even set up a membership area for a premium unreal mod which supports the above, and each unrealmodel with a small connection to an ip you control with a databse for users for which can use, so only that user and that ip or hwid can use it.
There are already such things for sale..

I dont even mention engine.dll changes and .u script manipulations for which again we pay alot.

also, l2 always changes things every 6 months or 1 year, which would require constant support, which would mean people would be interested in such premium membership at around 20-50 us , even if 10 people would want this you d gain a nice amount, the more people would sign up, the lower the price for membership could get and the more you d be payed for your work,and rightfuly so.

just my 2 cent.

PS : i shared the latest korean client dec 28 2020
« Last Edit: January 01, 2021, 12:23 by babyjason » Logged
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