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Author Topic: [UE4] Final Fantasy VII: The First Soldier  (Read 3647 times)
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Re: [UE4] Final Fantasy VII: The First Soldier
« Reply #15 on: February 06, 2022, 10:12 »

If you'd be so kind as to provide a link on where exactly one can ask that, I would be very grateful. The sticky topic does not seem to be the place to ask for it either?
There is a sticked topic for those things here --> You can find big collection of AES keys, which is being constantly updated, in this topic at rin forums --> Ask to update AES key
« Last Edit: February 06, 2022, 10:20 by RedBear » Logged
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Re: [UE4] Final Fantasy VII: The First Soldier
« Reply #16 on: June 07, 2022, 01:49 »

Is the world/environment extractable iv only seen characters and npc extracted so far

Im interested in the maps
« Last Edit: June 07, 2022, 07:44 by bluestar-60 » Logged
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Re: [UE4] Final Fantasy VII: The First Soldier
« Reply #17 on: June 07, 2022, 04:30 »

@bluestar-60: umodel doesn't support extraction of the whole maps, only separate objects. You can look for other tools though - since the game is using stock engine, most common tools should work with the game.
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Re: [UE4] Final Fantasy VII: The First Soldier
« Reply #18 on: June 07, 2022, 06:50 »

Yer i know it dosnt recreate the maps, although thats not imposable as here is an example of a tool to recreate the whole map of ff7 remake -

What i was asking is so far i have seen no buildings/world models exported
I think maybe its because the pak itself dosnt have the models but its later downloaded from within the game when your first launch

Edit: oh i see you posted there and to one of my comments Tongue

Well yer since first soldier has recently updated to have the upper plate part of the city i want to tory and get the maps as althought the lower poly models it would serve as a blueprint so to speak where i can find the remake models of the equivalent and swap them

And maybe upgrade new models in first soldier with remake textures ect
« Last Edit: June 07, 2022, 06:54 by bluestar-60 » Logged
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Re: [UE4] Final Fantasy VII: The First Soldier
« Reply #19 on: June 07, 2022, 13:14 »

Aside from getting the AES-Key (which is a whole other topic in itself, as often stated already), I was wondering if anyone knows how to actually access the files nowadays? Getting the APK's isn't a problem. Actually having the files, since it seems the game needs to "download" the assets first (regardless of the apk's version), is.

Is there any way to get the files without having a rooted phone?
Or is it currently impossible to truly access them?

I, for one, don't see or know any other way.
And I've been searching for three months now  Embarrassed

Apologies if this is the wrong topic or place to ask this. I just don't know where else to find a solution anymore.
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Re: [UE4] Final Fantasy VII: The First Soldier
« Reply #20 on: June 07, 2022, 18:06 »

@Sreliata: There are also android emulators for those purposes, where you can easily enable/disable root mode to access stuff. This game doesn't seem to have strict checks for emulators, so you should be able to download at least data packages with them. Though this is not right place to discuss those things in general. 
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Re: [UE4] Final Fantasy VII: The First Soldier
« Reply #21 on: June 07, 2022, 19:55 »

This game dose have appguard so for example this game cant run as directx as the appguard quites the game so i cant use say like ninja ripper. Wish i could disable the annoying appguard thing

The game will run in emulators aslong as its set to opengl and i think the specs matter too it also throws an error if you enable root i guess as an anti cheat measure

its a battle royale game so i guess there being stricked that people arnt getting an advantage i guess dont know

Just want the dam map so i can recreate all of midgar

On deviantart iv seen dumps of alot of the models but only for characters and creatures items weapons ect nothing on the environment as i thing its whats downloaded from within the game as Sreliata said

So far iv not found how to get that data and no one else seems to of either
« Last Edit: June 07, 2022, 20:01 by bluestar-60 » Logged
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Re: [UE4] Final Fantasy VII: The First Soldier
« Reply #22 on: June 09, 2022, 19:39 »

@Sreliata: There are also android emulators for those purposes, where you can easily enable/disable root mode to access stuff. This game doesn't seem to have strict checks for emulators, so you should be able to download at least data packages with them. Though this is not right place to discuss those things in general. 

I wish it were that easy.
Sadly, to date, no known emulator can run the game and as a result, not download the files either.
Getting the APK is easy. Just.. starting it and having it download necessary assets, is not. At least I tried it all. It's not PC software depending, is it?

Maybe I'm doing something wrong but again, I tried it all. It doesn't seem to be a game anyone manages to run on an emulator to date ._.
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Re: [UE4] Final Fantasy VII: The First Soldier
« Reply #23 on: June 09, 2022, 20:48 »

I wish it were that easy.
Sadly, to date, no known emulator can run the game and as a result, not download the files either.
Getting the APK is easy. Just.. starting it and having it download necessary assets, is not. At least I tried it all. It's not PC software depending, is it? .

Your talking about Final Fantasy VII: The First Soldier right?

I have the game working on the nox emulator you have to install the android 9 beta, when you install nox it auto installs android 7 you have to open the multi instance and add a new emulator and select android 9 beta
in the nox settings set it to opengl and have root disabled

I have played a few hours of the game on pc using nox using the new exploration mode to run around the two maps
« Last Edit: June 09, 2022, 20:52 by bluestar-60 » Logged
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Re: [UE4] Final Fantasy VII: The First Soldier
« Reply #24 on: June 10, 2022, 05:59 »

I wish it were that easy.
Sadly, to date, no known emulator can run the game and as a result, not download the files either.
Getting the APK is easy. Just.. starting it and having it download necessary assets, is not. At least I tried it all. It's not PC software depending, is it? .

Your talking about Final Fantasy VII: The First Soldier right?

I have the game working on the nox emulator you have to install the android 9 beta, when you install nox it auto installs android 7 you have to open the multi instance and add a new emulator and select android 9 beta
in the nox settings set it to opengl and have root disabled

I have played a few hours of the game on pc using nox using the new exploration mode to run around the two maps

Trust me, that is exactly what I did (and so did three of my friends, just to make sure it's not my PC's fault).
It just.. doesn't work.

Constantly the message that FF7FS does not respond. Like here:
No matter what I do, it won't even open, let alone download any files. I have the Nox Android 9 (64 bit, since it's the only one!) Beta running, with it set to Open GL in settings, and Root disabled (not checkmarked).

I'm going to do a complete re-install of Nox tomorrow. Maybe that fixes the solution. Might just be poluted. If you say this works, I trust your statement and will try again! ^_^ Maybe this Beta version finally did the trick.

Thank you so much for your reply.
As for maps: I don't think there's a set tool to pull them out. The remake itself usedto have that (for the ps4 version).

Though.. I don't think anything like that (something that can read .umap and place the assets accordingly) exists for first soldier right now.
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Re: [UE4] Final Fantasy VII: The First Soldier
« Reply #25 on: June 10, 2022, 15:05 »

Trust me, that is exactly what I did (and so did three of my friends, just to make sure it's not my PC's fault).
It just.. doesn't work.

Constantly the message that FF7FS does not respond. Like here:
No matter what I do, it won't even open, let alone download any files. I have the Nox Android 9 (64 bit, since it's the only one!) Beta running, with it set to Open GL in settings, and Root disabled (not checkmarked).

I'm going to do a complete re-install of Nox tomorrow. Maybe that fixes the solution. Might just be poluted. If you say this works, I trust your statement and will try again! ^_^ Maybe this Beta version finally did the trick.

Thank you so much for your reply.
As for maps: I don't think there's a set tool to pull them out. The remake itself usedto have that (for the ps4 version).

Though.. I don't think anything like that (something that can read .umap and place the assets accordingly) exists for first soldier right now.

Sorry its not working for you iv had that kind of shit happen to me aswell, been trying everything to get it to work under directx as i can just use ninja ripper to extract the maps but so far no go

as the game works for me im able to download the data, if someone can help me to know how to i can try to extract it and upload it
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Re: [UE4] Final Fantasy VII: The First Soldier
« Reply #26 on: June 13, 2022, 07:32 »

Having finally got the assets exported and opened in umodel i get alot of bad allocation on alot of meshes like

appMalloc: size=-1811939328 (total=9 Mbytes) <- FArray::Empty: 998244352 x 24 <- TArray::Serialize: 0/0 <- FStaticMeshLODModel4<< <- TArray::Serialize: 2/5 <- UStaticMesh4::Serialize <- LoadObject: StaticMesh4'SM_MidgarCityMakoro2.SM_MidgarCityMakoro2', pos=59A2E, ver=518/0 (unversioned), game=ue4.25 <- UObject::EndLoad <- LoadWholePackage: UmodelSaved/Game/Map/MidgarCity/Asset/07_Makoro/SM_MidgarCityMakoro2.uasset <- CUmodelApp::ShowPackageUI <- Main: umodel_build=1587

Tried using different builds of umodel and diffrent ue4 versions ect, it seems like models over a certain size get this error smaller models are fine
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Re: [UE4] Final Fantasy VII: The First Soldier
« Reply #27 on: June 13, 2022, 16:16 »

@bluestar-60: I've updated my base post, it should be more clear now that the mentioned build also supports static meshes properly. I suppose the issue was not reported yet, because people are using specific build for previewing materials on skeletal meshes and as a side effect they don't have issues with other meshes (it's a general fix, so it works even without override not only here, but some other games as well).
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Re: [UE4] Final Fantasy VII: The First Soldier
« Reply #28 on: June 13, 2022, 18:48 »

@bluestar-60: I've updated my base post, it should be more clear now that the mentioned build also supports static meshes properly. I suppose the issue was not reported yet, because people are using specific build for previewing materials on skeletal meshes and as a side effect they don't have issues with other meshes (it's a general fix, so it works even without override not only here, but some other games as well).

Ah okay yep this seems to be working on meshes that wasn't before thankyou Cheesy
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Re: [UE4] Final Fantasy VII: The First Soldier
« Reply #29 on: June 14, 2022, 18:09 »

Is there any known tools to get the mesh coordinates from a umap, say like into a txt file so i can use to help recreate maps

I know umodel dosnt but just wondered if there is anything i can try before doing it fully manually by eye my self
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