So I tried to use UEViewer to get some of the assets from Sideswipe, yet I keep running into the same error, that there is a RawArray item size mismatch. I
Full error message:
RawArray item size mismatch: expected 151060480, serialized 13
SerializeBulkArray <- FPositionVertexBuffer4<< <- FStaticMeshLODModel4::SerializeBuffers <- FStaticMeshLODModel4<< <- TArray::Serialize: 0/6 <- UStaticMesh4::Serialize <- LoadObject: StaticMesh4'Body_Mantis_SM.Body_Mantis_SM', pos=18C2BA, ver=518/0 (unversioned), game=ue4.25 <- UObject::EndLoad <- LoadWholePackage: /Game/RL2D/ProductAssets/Bodies/Mantis/Meshes/Body_Mantis_SM.uasset <- CUmodelApp::ShowPackageUI <- Main: umodel_build=1590
So I was just wondering if either I skipped a decryption step, or if there was an update between builds that made this not work?