the file i was trying to load the model and animations from for some reason gives this "TArray:index 0 is out of range" error, every other ukx file loads just fine, but this one just doesn't load, i tried loading it with a old version of umodel but it still gives me that error, here's the log:
******** Loading object SkeletalMesh'AW7_Weapons.LS_Pitchfork_New' ********
ERROR: TArray: index 0 is out of range (0)
USkeletalMesh::BuildIndicesForLod <- ConvertLod <- USkeletalMesh::ConvertMesh <- USkeletalMesh::Serialize <- LoadObject:SkeletalMesh'AW7_Weapons.LS_Pitchfork_New', pos=E1EAE, ver=118/2, game=ue2 <- UObject::EndLoad <- LoadWholePackage:Animations/AW7_Weapons.ukx <- CUmodelApp::ShowPackageUI <- Main:umodel_build=1293
i tried loading it with game override set to: unreal engine 2 and tribes:vengeance, it loaded one of the models, but the other ones didn't load. here's the log for that too:
Loading package: Animations/AW7_Weapons.ukx Ver: 118/2 Names: 170 Exports: 15 Imports: 30 Game: 210001
Loading AnimNotify_Script AnimNotify_Script8 from package Animations/AW7_Weapons.ukx
Loading AnimNotify_Script AnimNotify_Script4 from package Animations/AW7_Weapons.ukx
Loading AnimNotify_Sound AnimNotify_Sound9 from package Animations/AW7_Weapons.ukx
Loading package: Sounds/AW7Sounds.uax Ver: 118/2 Names: 58 Exports: 51 Imports: 4 Game: 210001
WARNING: Unknown class "Sound" for object "Meatcleaver_slash"
Loading MeshAnimation anim_Pitchfork_New from package Animations/AW7_Weapons.ukx
Loading package: ShareThePain/Animations/FP_Weapons.ukx Ver: 118/2 Names: 361 Exports: 79 Imports: 62 Game: 210001
Loading MeshAnimation anim_SMEG from package Animations/AW7_Weapons.ukx
Loading MeshAnimation animKatana from package Animations/AW7_Weapons.ukx
Loading package: Animations/AWWeaponAnim.ukx Ver: 118/2 Names: 130 Exports: 13 Imports: 16 Game: 210001
Loading MeshAnimation anim_MeatCleaver from package Animations/AW7_Weapons.ukx
Loading AnimNotify_Script AnimNotify_Script1 from package Animations/AW7_Weapons.ukx
Loading AnimNotify_Sound AnimNotify_Sound8 from package Animations/AW7_Weapons.ukx
Loading package: Sounds/WeaponSounds.uax Ver: 118/2 Names: 104 Exports: 95 Imports: 2 Game: 210001
WARNING: Unknown class "Sound" for object "sniper_ejectshell"
Loading MeshAnimation bio_axe_anim from package Animations/AW7_Weapons.ukx
Loading SkeletalMesh ED_Meatcleaver_NEW from package Animations/AW7_Weapons.ukx
Loading package: Textures/MP_FParms.utx Ver: 118/2 Names: 36 Exports: 21 Imports: 4 Game: 210001
ERROR: bad base mesh
Loading SkeletalMesh LS_Katana from package Animations/AW7_Weapons.ukx
ERROR: bad base mesh
Loading SkeletalMesh LS_Pitchfork_New from package Animations/AW7_Weapons.ukx
Loading package: Textures/AW7Tex.utx Ver: 118/2 Names: 164 Exports: 120 Imports: 17 Game: 210001
ERROR: bad base mesh
Loading SkeletalMesh bio_axe_smesh from package Animations/AW7_Weapons.ukx
ERROR: bad base mesh
Loading SkeletalMesh ED_SMEG_newest from package Animations/AW7_Weapons.ukx
Loading package: Textures/WeaponSkins.utx Ver: 118/2 Names: 97 Exports: 70 Imports: 4 Game: 210001
Loading AnimNotify_Script AnimNotify_Script9 from package ShareThePain/Animations/FP_Weapons.ukx
Loading AnimNotify_Script AnimNotify_Script11 from package ShareThePain/Animations/FP_Weapons.ukx
Loading AnimNotify_Sound AnimNotify_Sound15 from package ShareThePain/Animations/FP_Weapons.ukx
WARNING: Unknown class "Sound" for object "shovel_fire2"
Loading AnimNotify_Script AnimNotify_Script8 from package ShareThePain/Animations/FP_Weapons.ukx
Loading AnimNotify_Script AnimNotify_Script18 from package ShareThePain/Animations/FP_Weapons.ukx
Loading AnimNotify_Sound AnimNotify_Sound16 from package ShareThePain/Animations/FP_Weapons.ukx
WARNING: Unknown class "Sound" for object "shovel_fire1"
Loading AnimNotify_Script AnimNotify_Script21 from package Animations/AWWeaponAnim.ukx
Loading AnimNotify_Script AnimNotify_Script23 from package Animations/AWWeaponAnim.ukx
Loading AnimNotify_Script AnimNotify_Script24 from package Animations/AWWeaponAnim.ukx
Loading Texture LS_hands_dude from package Textures/MP_FParms.utx
Loading Shader InvisiblePistol from package Textures/AW7Tex.utx
Loading Texture smeg from package Textures/AW7Tex.utx
Loading Texture Dude_Hands from package Textures/WeaponSkins.utx
Loading Texture desert_eagle_timb from package Textures/WeaponSkins.utx