make sure you re-downloaded updated build via link in the first post
OK, my mistake. I checked version 1.3 again and noticed that you updated it. This time I tried exporting in PSK, not in GLTF. It looks like it works more stable, but unfortunately it crashes again:
Loading MaterialInstanceConstant MI_VertAnim_Zombie_Reach_EyeLevel from package /Game/DI2/Effects/Vertex_Animation/Reach_EyeLevel/MI_VertAnim_Zombie_Reach_EyeLevel.uasset
ArrayProperty: unknown UMaterialInstanceConstant CachedReferencedTextures
Loading Material3 M_Zombie_Vertex_Animation from package /Game/DIShared/Effects/Master_Materials/M_Zombie_Vertex_Animation.uasset
ByteProperty: unknown UMaterial3 MaterialDecalResponse
StructProperty: unknown UMaterial3 MaterialAttributes
IntProperty: unknown UMaterial3 NumCustomizedUVs
BoolProperty: unknown UMaterial3 bTangentSpaceNormal
StructProperty: unknown FMaterialCachedParameters Data
Loading Texture2D PT_VertexAnim_Reach_EyeLevel_UV1 from package /Game/DI2/Effects/Vertex_Animation/Reach_EyeLevel/PT_VertexAnim_Reach_EyeLevel_UV1.uasset
******** Loading object Texture2D'PT_VertexAnim_Reach_EyeLevel_UV1.PT_VertexAnim_Reach_EyeLevel_UV1' ********
*** unknown member TC_VertexAnimPos of enum ETextureCompressionSettings
Loading Texture2D PT_VertexAnim_Reach_EyeLevel_UV1_Normals from package /Game/DI2/Effects/Vertex_Animation/Reach_EyeLevel/PT_VertexAnim_Reach_EyeLevel_UV1_Normals.uasset
******** Loading object Texture2D'PT_VertexAnim_Reach_EyeLevel_UV1_Normals.PT_VertexAnim_Reach_EyeLevel_UV1_Normals' ********
*** unknown member TC_VertexAnimPos of enum ETextureCompressionSettings
*** ERROR: Memory: bad allocation size -469776384 bytes
appMalloc: size=-469776384 (total=865 Mbytes) <- FArray::Empty: 1065352960 x 56 <- TArray::Serialize: 0/0 <- FTexturePlatformData<< <- UTexture2D::Serialize4 <- UTexture2D::Serialize <- LoadObject: Texture2D'PT_VertexAnim_Reach_EyeLevel_UV1_Normals.PT_VertexAnim_Reach_EyeLevel_UV1_Normals', pos=55E, ver=518/0, game=di2 <- UObject::EndLoad <- LoadWholePackage: /Game/DI2/Effects/Vertex_Animation/Reach_EyeLevel/MI_VertAnim_Zombie_Reach_EyeLevel.uasset <- ExportPackages <- UIMenuItem::HandleCommand <- UIMenu::Popup <- UIBaseDialog::WndProc <- UIBaseDialog::CustomMessageLoop <- UIBaseDialog::ShowDialog: modal=1, title="Choose a package to open" <- CUmodelApp::ShowPackageUI <- Main: umodel_build=1579 based
Anyway, having ability to ignore failing assets would help a lot! Yesterday I spent 3+ hours trying to get non-failing assets. With checkbox "ignore failing assets" I would not spend any extra time
I know I can disable some type of resources. But imagine that crash happen only with some material and with all static meshes, which uses this texture. To avoid crash I would have to disable export of all meshes and materials. But if we would have that checkbox, we would be able to export all meshes and materials which are not leading to crash. So, this tool would bring much more benefit to users. But I don't want to be insistent, it is just my opinion