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Author Topic: Unreal Championship 2 (UE 2X) combatability request  (Read 37753 times)
Hero Member
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Re: Unreal Championship 2 (UE 2X) combatability request
« Reply #45 on: July 16, 2014, 16:05 »

What's the goal of your project? Umodel already does all conversions, isn't it enough?

I've already provided umodel's source code to a number of people, while (slowly) sorting problems described in this thread.
« Last Edit: July 16, 2014, 16:07 by Gildor » Logged
Re: Unreal Championship 2 (UE 2X) combatability request
« Reply #46 on: July 16, 2014, 17:18 »

Well, I'm writing UC2 decompiler (unreal script and stuff ...) and I'm stuck on SM ( SKM to do ).

As I said before:
... I can deserialize the whole export table, but don't know how to convert SM data in to a regular SM format.
Tried in BUF, but no luck... Here is a simple plane data dump.
So, my idea is: maybe if I know the SKM format and (if is different from the regular SKM) how to convert it to a regular SKM, then maybe I can find my way out.
Re: Unreal Championship 2 (UE 2X) combatability request
« Reply #47 on: July 22, 2014, 23:51 »

Small update:
I checked Umodel and its seams that you have found (there are some misleadings ...) all data needed for the static mesh so what was the problem?

Anyway, thanks for pointing me in the right direction ...  Grin

BTW: You know Structorian app? I'm using it for RE ...
« Last Edit: July 23, 2014, 00:06 by VendorX » Logged
Hero Member
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Re: Unreal Championship 2 (UE 2X) combatability request
« Reply #48 on: July 23, 2014, 10:28 »

Yes, I've found them. But these data are missing in my UC2 distribution, so perhaps I'm wrong.
I'm using IDA Pro for reverse engineering.
Re: Unreal Championship 2 (UE 2X) combatability request
« Reply #49 on: July 23, 2014, 13:38 »

I'm using IDA too, but with serialised package Structorian do the job much faster / easier.
Anyway, thanks again.
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Re: Unreal Championship 2 (UE 2X) combatability request
« Reply #50 on: March 17, 2015, 22:10 »

Is the work on decompiling the UC2 StaticMeshes been completely stopped?

I've been searching high and low without any luck, no one seems to have this figured out yet.
This game is a masterpiece and I've been dying to get my hands on the game assets and been lurking around the forums for several years now. Too bad I have no clue on how to reverse engineer files. (Not a programmer) Cheesy

I'd be more than willing to buy you lunch and a cold pint if this works out in the end!

It's been a long time, so I can provide you with the files if needed.

« Last Edit: March 17, 2015, 22:16 by Niuva » Logged
Hero Member
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Re: Unreal Championship 2 (UE 2X) combatability request
« Reply #51 on: March 17, 2015, 22:12 »

I was stuck with getting data for StaticMesh. I've found data for SkeletalMesh, Animation, Texture objects - but no luck with StaticMesh ...
Re: Unreal Championship 2 (UE 2X) combatability request
« Reply #52 on: September 28, 2015, 03:10 »

Just one quick question: You know how to read / export textures with format ARGB from XPR package? I know about DXT1,3,5 but the fourth format I'm simply guessing. Tried u8888 - it doesn't work.

Side question: Each texture package has two additional packages: one with _pb.xpr, second with _uma.xpr extension - you know the contents of those packages?
Hero Member
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Re: Unreal Championship 2 (UE 2X) combatability request
« Reply #53 on: September 28, 2015, 09:22 »

Sorry, but I don't remember. If UModel can open these files - then yes Smiley Just check the UModel source, all information is there. Of course you may ask any questions about particular parts of the source, I'll try to answer.
Re: Unreal Championship 2 (UE 2X) combatability request
« Reply #54 on: September 28, 2015, 11:30 »

Checked the source, but found only scraps of information on _pb.xpr - nothing I didn't know - on _uma.xpr there is nothing.
As for the texture pixel format: GetTextureData suppose to decode it, but I can't find the way how do you process ETextureFormat - there is only default assignment. Can you help me with this?

Ps: I might be wrong, but why artificially you're setting the size of the textures? In UC2 textures has no mipmaps. just additional data behind its data.

I'm not using Umodel anymore, but your project is truly remarkable ... and still kicking. Cheesy
« Last Edit: September 28, 2015, 11:32 by VendorX » Logged
Hero Member
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Re: Unreal Championship 2 (UE 2X) combatability request
« Reply #55 on: September 28, 2015, 11:36 »

Checked the source, but found only scraps of information on _pb.xpr - nothing I didn't know - on _uma.xpr there is nothing.
As for the texture pixel format: GetTextureData suppose to decode it, but I can't find the way how do you process ETextureFormat - there is only default assignment. Can you help me with this?
UTexture::GetTextureData is a long function, it has "switch (Format)" section for UE1 and UE2. What's wrong there?
I might be wrong, but why artificially you're setting the size of the textures?
Re: Unreal Championship 2 (UE 2X) combatability request
« Reply #56 on: September 28, 2015, 14:58 »

UTexture::GetTextureData is a long function, it has "switch (Format)" section for UE1 and UE2. What's wrong there?
Yeah, I know about that switch, but your enumerator doesn't match with this in xpr ...

Texture Types:
0x3b   // ARGB (I'm guessing ... Only this format match with the texture data size)
0x0c   // DXT1
0x0d   // DXT1 (one bit alpha - UC2 is not using it)
0x0e   // DXT3
0x0f   // DXT5

So maybe this first texture type isn't dds but some different texture - can be tga ..?
Hero Member
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Re: Unreal Championship 2 (UE 2X) combatability request
« Reply #57 on: September 28, 2015, 15:13 »

UModel uses texture metadata from utx files. XPR is just a mipmap container for me. At the moment of UC2 support, there was no information about it, so I "guessed" (some people call it "reverse engineered", but I prefer to use this term for digging in the code) XPR format by myself.
Re: Unreal Championship 2 (UE 2X) combatability request
« Reply #58 on: September 29, 2015, 00:12 »

So I do the same ...
Anyway, thank you for your time.
Posts: 1

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Re: Unreal Championship 2 (UE 2X) combatability request
« Reply #59 on: October 31, 2020, 15:46 » first my luck with SG Worlds and now UC2, gotta love egyptian themed models and cant have them  lipsrsealed
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