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Author Topic: Batman - Arkham Knight  (Read 70590 times)
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Re: Batman - Arkham Knight
« Reply #165 on: January 15, 2020, 05:13 »

I have $100 for a donation here if you can do it.
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Re: Batman - Arkham Knight
« Reply #166 on: January 15, 2020, 10:29 »

Sorry, I do not do paid work, unless this is my primary job.
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Re: Batman - Arkham Knight
« Reply #167 on: September 15, 2020, 20:47 »

I've been trying to get the models for batman arkham knight for quite some time now, I managed to get the models and animations, but when I export the animations they end up looking glitched.
Can anyone send me an unreal project that could work properly, or tell me how to fix it? I'd really appreciate it
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Re: Batman - Arkham Knight
« Reply #168 on: September 27, 2020, 02:32 »

I've been trying to get the models for batman arkham knight for quite some time now, I managed to get the models and animations, but when I export the animations they end up looking glitched.
Can anyone send me an unreal project that could work properly, or tell me how to fix it? I'd really appreciate it

Which animations? Glitched how? Animations from the entire Arkham series work perfectly fine for me (with the exception of root motion in UE4, as BAK uses the pelvis as the root bone). The process is pretty much just:
1. Export the animations (.psa) and models (.psk)
2. Import the .psk into 3DS Max
3. Import the .psa, then press batch export.

If you're having trouble finding animations, they should be in Startup.upk, BmGame.upk, and Playable_Batman_SF.upk.
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Re: Batman - Arkham Knight
« Reply #169 on: September 30, 2020, 07:39 »

If anyone's been having issues getting Root Motion from the Arkham series to work inside UE4, I just wrote this tool to fix it:
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Re: Batman - Arkham Knight
« Reply #170 on: October 04, 2020, 18:04 »

I've been trying to get the models for batman arkham knight for quite some time now, I managed to get the models and animations, but when I export the animations they end up looking glitched.
Can anyone send me an unreal project that could work properly, or tell me how to fix it? I'd really appreciate it

Which animations? Glitched how? Animations from the entire Arkham series work perfectly fine for me (with the exception of root motion in UE4, as BAK uses the pelvis as the root bone). The process is pretty much just:
1. Export the animations (.psa) and models (.psk)
2. Import the .psk into 3DS Max
3. Import the .psa, then press batch export.

If you're having trouble finding animations, they should be in Startup.upk, BmGame.upk, and Playable_Batman_SF.upk.
By glitched I mean when I load up the animations onto unreal engine 4, the animation moves around rather than being still
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Re: Batman - Arkham Knight
« Reply #171 on: October 04, 2020, 20:11 »

I've been trying to get the models for batman arkham knight for quite some time now, I managed to get the models and animations, but when I export the animations they end up looking glitched.
Can anyone send me an unreal project that could work properly, or tell me how to fix it? I'd really appreciate it

Which animations? Glitched how? Animations from the entire Arkham series work perfectly fine for me (with the exception of root motion in UE4, as BAK uses the pelvis as the root bone). The process is pretty much just:
1. Export the animations (.psa) and models (.psk)
2. Import the .psk into 3DS Max
3. Import the .psa, then press batch export.

If you're having trouble finding animations, they should be in Startup.upk, BmGame.upk, and Playable_Batman_SF.upk.
By glitched I mean when I load up the animations onto unreal engine 4, the animation moves around rather than being still

That's intentional, and how nearly all AAA games do their animations - it allows the speed and the character's direction to be controlled by the animation itself. The tool I posted should be able to make it work *correctly*, but it won't lock the animation in place.
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Re: Batman - Arkham Knight
« Reply #172 on: December 14, 2020, 08:45 »

When I load the Batman model in the viewer his ears, nose, and cheeks are clipping through the cowl. I thought maybe that's just umodel doing that but when I export it it still looks the same in 3ds Max and Blender. I have 0 idea what I'm doing wrong. The specific file I'm trying to use is Showcase_Players_BatmanV2Pristine.upk
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Re: Batman - Arkham Knight
« Reply #173 on: December 14, 2020, 09:46 »

Is it clipping when you're applying face animation, or in T-pose?
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Re: Batman - Arkham Knight
« Reply #174 on: December 14, 2020, 10:07 »

When I load the Batman model in the viewer his ears, nose, and cheeks are clipping through the cowl. I thought maybe that's just umodel doing that but when I export it it still looks the same in 3ds Max and Blender. I have 0 idea what I'm doing wrong. The specific file I'm trying to use is Showcase_Players_BatmanV2Pristine.upk

You're not doing anything wrong. That's to be expected with all suits except the Post-Arkham City suit (which is bugged in-game as a result) due to Arkham Knights new unmasking system - during gameplay it uses a texture mask to hide the parts of the face that shouldn't be visible while wearing the cowl.

To hide the face, you'll want to either use the "Mask" modifier in Blender, delete the clipping vertices, or use the texture mask in your material.
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Batman Arkham Knight- Textures?
« Reply #175 on: December 29, 2020, 15:17 »

I have been trying to export the assets of batman arkham knight but the textures are not being shown when I view the character in umodel. I have checked the file and the textures are present but they are not being rendered properly on the model. I have also loaded startup.upk and bmgame.upk. Am I doing something wrong here or is there another file that I need to load?
Do I need to manually set the textures in 3ds max?

Works fine when I am extracting assets from arkham city.

Anyways, thanks Gildor for this amazing tool!

* BAC.PNG (181.22 KB, 797x597 - viewed 2249 times.)

* BAK.PNG (170.55 KB, 798x586 - viewed 536 times.)
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Re: Batman - Arkham Knight
« Reply #176 on: December 29, 2020, 21:20 »

I think you should build materials manually. UModel can't show all materials as they appear in the game because UE3-UE4 materials are very complex, and UModel is using a very simple approximation. This is actually a FAQ question.
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Re: Batman Arkham Knight- Textures?
« Reply #177 on: December 29, 2020, 21:21 »

I have been trying to export the assets of batman arkham knight but the textures are not being shown when I view the character in umodel. I have checked the file and the textures are present but they are not being rendered properly on the model. I have also loaded startup.upk and bmgame.upk. Am I doing something wrong here or is there another file that I need to load?
Do I need to manually set the textures in 3ds max?

Works fine when I am extracting assets from arkham city.

Anyways, thanks Gildor for this amazing tool!

Arkham Knight's materials are extremely complex and most likely using large amounts of math and custom functions - this means that umodel is unable to guess at the material setup. Many other games have the same issue. You'll have to set up the materials manually in your modelling software.
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Re: Batman - Arkham Knight
« Reply #178 on: December 29, 2020, 22:28 »

Thanks for the reply Smiley.
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Re: Batman - Arkham Knight
« Reply #179 on: October 30, 2022, 01:14 »

Hello. Today I was busy extracting all the files from Batman Arkham Knight and ran into a problem.
For the extraction I used the version from Epic Games, its number was listed as 1.98.
Screenshots 1 and 2 show the installed settings.
3 contains a photo of the error.

* 1.jpg (134.28 KB, 501x377 - viewed 244 times.)

* 2.jpg (229.88 KB, 565x580 - viewed 203 times.)

* 3.jpg (125.68 KB, 531x231 - viewed 250 times.)
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