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Author Topic: Sea of Thieves  (Read 46916 times)
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Re: Sea of Thieves
« Reply #90 on: June 20, 2020, 10:05 »

And then using QuickBMS With a SOT Script & the AES Key.
UModel can open pak files, no point for separate script. People used it with both versions of the game, so if you're having problems - probably you're doing something wrong. May be aes key is not in sync with game files, e.g. gave was updated after AES posted here, or vice versa - you're trying to open 1 year old version of the files.

When trying to load them into umodel, they simply don't work.
You can't imagine how many things people may assume with "simply don't work" words. Please be more specific, otherwise nobody could help you.

You mentioned different hex viewers here and quickbms - did you try looking at extracted uasset files? Do they actually look as uasset, or garbage?

... IDA PRO ...
Why mentioning IDA so many times here? This program is not relevant to Unreal engine at all.
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Re: Sea of Thieves
« Reply #91 on: June 21, 2020, 23:32 »

And then using QuickBMS With a SOT Script & the AES Key.
UModel can open pak files, no point for separate script. People used it with both versions of the game, so if you're having problems - probably you're doing something wrong. May be aes key is not in sync with game files, e.g. gave was updated after AES posted here, or vice versa - you're trying to open 1 year old version of the files.

When trying to load them into umodel, they simply don't work.
You can't imagine how many things people may assume with "simply don't work" words. Please be more specific, otherwise nobody could help you.

You mentioned different hex viewers here and quickbms - did you try looking at extracted uasset files? Do they actually look as uasset, or garbage?

... IDA PRO ...
Why mentioning IDA so many times here? This program is not relevant to Unreal engine at all.

My bad your right I should have specified the errors so that it could be looked at. (I'll list all errors bellow)

For some reason when I try to use the AES key with Umodel it dosn't work and gives an error.

This is the same for both opening a .pak file, or simply a uasset file. The only time ive been able to open something is 25 percent of uasset textures using Noesis on UE version 10. Like in a previous post that someone made.

All the other files I cannot open in umodel, noesis or unreal engine.

I've been using IDA Pro to look at the files assembly code and hex code. See what I can see, such as functions like


Now technically this is useless because obviously all the important stuff is in machine code and hex. And when it comes to things like models and textures, you don't want to view the "code" simply the model itself. IDA Pro is just the only thing ive been able to do with the uasset files meaning I pretty much havn't seem to be able to do anything. And after reading all the posts here it seems everyone is in the same boat. Dosn't seem like anyone has loaded all the uasset files or models/data assets/umaps. Etc. And while I know the two latter files don't apply to Umodel, the models won't load either.

They do infact look like uasset files from outside, and from inside using IDA pro when i compared two uasset models.

Now as for me doing something wrong,

I am using Quickbms 4gb. As standard quick bms wasn't working. - I am using a SOT script. for quickbms. And I am using an AES key. Using that AES key I do manage to extract the assets. So the AES key and those PAK files

Is working.

They are the most recent version of the files and the key I am using is the most recent key

Both I got from the cs rin forum.

So extraction works with quickbms but not with umodel

Opening the model file however once extracted dosnt seem to work with anything, I checked and it seems all the extracted uasset files are "healthy"

Now as someone said they extracted "very few" models and characters. However I've gone through about 1300 types of uasset files and maybe 1 texture worked, and 1 prop.

i checked them in a hex viewer/ida pro and again they seem the same as the others.

Now I will upload all my errors and all the assets and tools I am using - I will also upload the AES key I use to extract it all

If uploading any of this is against the forum rules just lemme know and  I can censor it or delete it and DM anything you need/want.

My apologies for not uploading them before and saying it simply wont work. I can understand how frustrating it would be to not be able to see the issue. Apologies.  

I also use UWPDumper, run the game offline and then dump all the files to get passed the Microsoft Windows EFS Encryption that comes with the Windows/Microsoft version of the game, I simply run it. Suspend it. Dump it.

Wonder if theres a way to get through the EFS without dumping it. However Dumping it should make them still totally fine as it does with other unreal games.

- Has a log of different errors with different tests/trys of different things with Umodel. Also has the key that worked. If you want/need the Quickbms 4gb thing im using and the quickbms SOT Script. Let me know.

- Thanks for responding quickly btw, been trying to get into these for awhile

* Sea errors1.txt (5.76 KB - downloaded 138 times.)
« Last Edit: June 21, 2020, 23:35 by SilentxValkyrie » Logged
Hero Member
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Re: Sea of Thieves
« Reply #92 on: June 21, 2020, 23:43 »

You have "correct" errors in your text file.
Half of errors, those which are about "lzo_decompress", happened because you didn't provide a "Sea of Thieves" game to UModel, so it doesn't know that pak file has special format.
Another half happens with assets which aren't yet fully supported. As was mentioned here, I've made support for those assets which I've got for the first time. Later, people sent me more assets - which caused crash, but I wasn't able to return to this game yet.

So, I don't see any real issue with support of this game's PAK files - just wrong settings, or expected problems with partially supported asset formats.
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Re: Sea of Thieves
« Reply #93 on: June 24, 2020, 20:08 »

We just need to be patient. I'm looking forward to the support of this game as much as anyone here, but it's best not to pressure the only person who can make that happen. Especially when it's just repeatedly bringing up issues that have already been mentioned.

Thanks for your patience and determination, Gildor. I know I appreciate your effort, and I'm sure I'm not the only one.
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Re: Sea of Thieves
« Reply #94 on: June 24, 2020, 20:25 »

Thank you for understanding. This game's support is one of the first things to do in my list. However I've been interrupted with other things (e.g. Fortnite), made some other stuff (I think cool stuff) over past few days. I already spent in this June more time on this than in other months in 2020, with impact on my job (and therefore huge impact on my next salary). I MUST focus on other things now, so hopefully I'll spend less time on UModel.
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Re: Sea of Thieves
« Reply #95 on: July 01, 2020, 19:16 »

I hope things have improved for you Gildor. Looking forward to the future support of this specific game more than most others. Here's hoping you can manage it this month at some point, but don't overdo it either. Don't want to have negative impact on your real life due to this sort of thing.
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Re: Sea of Thieves
« Reply #96 on: July 12, 2020, 20:28 »

Sorry to double post, but I was curious if you had a general idea of when you'd be able to get back around to this one. I've been wanting some specific assets from it for a little idea I had featuring them, and in general I'd like to be able to explore the assets. I understand you're probably busy right now, and I'm not expecting a quick turnaround on it as such, I was just wondering if you had any schedule in mind.
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Re: Sea of Thieves
« Reply #97 on: July 13, 2020, 00:58 »

Currently I'm implementing my own plans for umodel (mostly heavy optimizations). Then I need to add some special functionality which will let my find the problem in Sea of Thieves - it's too hard because my last attempt fails with some assets, so ANY change should be validated with as many assets as possible. A lot of hand work just for testing - and I want to automate it.
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Re: Sea of Thieves
« Reply #98 on: July 18, 2020, 18:30 »

That's understandable. Hope it all goes well and is not too much of a hassle. Was kinda hoping it would be supported by the end of the month, but that's probably not likely. I'm just really excited to have a look at the internal assets of the game, hahaha.
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Re: Sea of Thieves
« Reply #99 on: July 18, 2020, 21:11 »

Spent some time trying to improve situation with this game - it crashes with Kraken decompression, what's a blocker ...

At the moment I'm using this library for Kraken:
I've reported the issue before (for Star Wars):

But it seems it will never be fixed. 'oo2core...dll' is not a suitable approach for me because
1) I'll need Linux version
2) I'll need Win32 version
3) It's just not suitable for open-source project.
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Re: Sea of Thieves
« Reply #100 on: July 18, 2020, 22:11 »

@Gildor: Not sure if it's of any help, but actually quickbms is using 32-bit oo2core dll in binary form, it's both 32-bit and linux compatible. Maybe it's possible to exclude it from the project, so default solution for oodle will be powzix's, but if certain dll/lib is found in the umodel folder, it will use it instead. This way it will not affect license part. Besides, you'll be probably forced to do something like that eventually - for example, Gears 5 and Tactics are using 2.8.0 library version, not supported by powzix's or any other public solutions yet (including quickbms, it's using 2.7.4 legit library).
Hero Member
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Re: Sea of Thieves
« Reply #101 on: July 19, 2020, 12:03 »

quickbms is using 32-bit oo2core dll in binary form, it's both 32-bit and linux compatible.
Windows dll can't be loaded on linux without using special tricks (like Wine does). If QuickBMS is using it, they're definitely using some special trick to load it.
for example, Gears 5 and Tactics are using 2.8.0 library version, not supported by powzix's or any other public solutions yet (including quickbms, it's using 2.7.4 legit library).
It's shame, but these 2 games probably will never be supported, unless someone will remove protection from Gears 5 executable, making it clear (not encrypted) and debuggable.
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Re: Sea of Thieves
« Reply #102 on: July 20, 2020, 19:54 »

It's shame, but these 2 games probably will never be supported, unless someone will remove protection from Gears 5 executable, making it clear (not encrypted) and debuggable.

Doesn't this mean that over time fewer and fewer ue4 games will work with umodel as other game companies use these encryption methods?
Hero Member
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Re: Sea of Thieves
« Reply #103 on: July 20, 2020, 19:58 »

This method requires paid license from RAD Game Tools, so I'm unsure it will be widely used. At the moment only a few games are using that - Star Wars, and 3 games from Microsoft. Epic has recently officially integrated LZ4 compressor, which is a free open-source alternative to Kraken.
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Re: Sea of Thieves
« Reply #104 on: July 22, 2020, 18:17 »

This is troublesome, I hope we can manage a solution to this soon, there's so much I want to be able to pull from this game for renders and such, maybe even make my own animations with the characters...
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