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Author Topic: [UE4] Evangelion: Battlefields  (Read 15056 times)
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Re: [UE4] Evangelion: Battlefields
« Reply #15 on: April 03, 2021, 22:11 »

Sorry but I'm a total noob when it comes to UE4 or anything remotely tied to model designs. So I've very few questions if you don't mind :

1) How did you get the .pak from the game's apk ? Besides the full game library (.so) and native android code obtained from decompilation, I haven't found any info on how to perform this

3) The .pak seems to lack a lot of data of newer seasons of the game. Hence why 1) and why I'd be interested in having the latest one possible.

Thanks for the information already provided here, regardless.

In order to have the latest data updated I suggest you to install the game you are looking for on android emulator ( bluestack). Via QooApp it's possible to install a lot of korean game , bypassing automatically region restriction ( at least for downloading assets, dunno for playing) .Another app is , with this it's possible to download Chinese mobile games. Both could be installed on android emulator, and will notify you when an App could be updated.

Then for getting the assets you need to root your emulator with Bluestack Tweaker ( it's support also bluestack 5, I suggest you this emulator version; despite being in beta the RAM usage has been halved), and access storage folders using the File manager provided ( you easily find tutorials on emulator's page how to root it )

Then there are different way the assets could be stored:
if the downloaded .apk is small then you need to find .pak (umodel recognize and open them) or .obb ( .obb could be renamed .rar and extracted with winrar or 7-zip, then you'll get .pak openable with umodel).
if the downloaded  .apk is big , the assets are inside it ( a lot of chinese mobile game use this method). Just rename it to .rar and extract the content as .obb. ( unless .obb are enctryped Wink )
Sometimes games combine these types of storage so for example you got the base version in one big .apk and updates in .obb, so I suggest you to look in every path I mention below.

Generally you will find assets in one of those paths :

-Data/app ( generally game storing assets in big .apk use this path)
-Data/data ( lineage revolution use this path) .

There is also another options when you download a big .apk but you can't install it since the emulator is not compatible ( a lot of game required android 8+, Bluestack is Android 7 ). You need to look into or QooApp temp/download folders ( with file manager).
« Last Edit: April 04, 2021, 00:16 by Drawing » Logged
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Re: [UE4] Evangelion: Battlefields
« Reply #16 on: June 19, 2021, 06:33 »

I think I'm just not good with this kind of stuff, but today I extracted my game's .pak and tried extracting some of the character models. Upon my first model, CHR_ASK_002_main.uasset, it simply gave me an error. Am I just doing things wrong or does it not support the latest update of the game?

Here are my main fatal error logs with file CHR_ASK_002_main.uasset (Asuka Model Variant 002):

Newest Version (11 days ago) [Vanilla/Non EvaBF Fork]
Memory: bad allocation size 548385943 bytes
Call stack:
appMalloc: size=538385943 (total=10 Mbytes) <- FArray::Empty: 538385943 x 1 <- TArray::Serialize: 0/0 <- FSkelMeshSection4::SerializeRenderItem <- TArray::Serialize: 0/6 <- FStaticLODModel4::SerializeRenderItem <- TArray::Serialize: 0/1 <- USkeletalMesh4::Serialize <- LoadObject: SkeletalMesh4'CHR_ASK_002_main.CHR_ASK_002_main', pos=148B7, ver=518/0 (unversioned), game=ue4.24 <- UObject::EndLoad <- LoadWholePackage: /PRJ/Content/Assets3D/Character/CHR/CHR_ASK_002/MDL/CHR_ASK_002_main.uasset <- CUmodelApp::ShowPackageUI <- Main: umodel_build=1556

Evangelion Fork (7 months ago)
zlib uncompress(34521.65536) returned -3
Call stack:
appDecompress: CompSize=34531 UncompSize=65536 Flags=0x1 Bytes=789C <- SerializeCompressed <- FPakFile::Serialize: file=/PRJ/Content/Assets3D/Character/CHR/CHR_ASK_002/MDL/CHR_ASK_002_main.uexp <- TArray::SerializeSimple <- class FArchive &__cdecl operator <<<unsigned short>(class FArchive &,class TArray<unsigned short> &) <- FSkelMeshSection4::SerializeRenderItem <- TArray::Serialize: 0/6 <- FStaticLODModel4::SerializeRenderItem <- TArray::Serialize: 0/1 <- USkeletalMesh4::Serialize <- LoadObject: SkeletalMesh4'CHR_ASK_002_main.CHR_ASK_002_main', pos=13CA5, ver=518/0 (unversioned), game=evangelion <- UObject::EndLoad <- LoadWholePackage: /PRJ/Content/Assets3D/Character/CHR/CHR_ASK_002/MDL/CHR_ASK_002_main.uasset <- CUmodelApp::ShowPackageUI <- Main: umodel_build=1426

Not sure what to do at this point '^'

For testing on other's ends, here's a link to the .pak I extracted from the game on June 18, 2021:

EDIT: Also tried using the one that was updated yesterday by spiritovod. The following error occurred:
Memory: bad allocation size 1170802112 bytes
Call stack:
appMalloc: size=1170802112 (total=10 Mbytes) <- FArray::Empty: 622273559 x 64 <- TArray::Serialize: 0/0 <- FSkelMeshSection4::SerializeRenderItem <- TArray::Serialize: 1/6 <- FStaticLODModel4::SerializeRenderItem <- TArray::Serialize: 0/1 <- USkeletalMesh4::Serialize <- LoadObject: SkeletalMesh4'CHR_ASK_002_main.CHR_ASK_002_main', pos=148D3, ver=518/0 (unversioned), game=ue4.24 <- UObject::EndLoad <- LoadWholePackage: /PRJ/Content/Assets3D/Character/CHR/CHR_ASK_002/MDL/CHR_ASK_002_main.uasset <- ExportPackages <- CUmodelApp::ShowPackageUI <- Main: umodel_build=1556 based
« Last Edit: June 19, 2021, 06:38 by ShiroPrism » Logged
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Re: [UE4] Evangelion: Battlefields
« Reply #17 on: June 19, 2021, 14:31 »

@ShiroPrism: The solution is written in the same post where you've downloaded the specific build, "Note that the UE4 version can be different from suggested in the game topic, so if something doesn't work, try other versions". The game is using 4.26 now.
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Re: [UE4] Evangelion: Battlefields
« Reply #18 on: June 19, 2021, 18:49 »

@spiritovod: Ah oki, probably should’ve read a bit more lol. Thanks!
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Re: [UE4] Evangelion: Battlefields
« Reply #19 on: June 24, 2021, 23:16 »

The Pilot models have meshes right? I extracted all of them and handed them to a modder for a game and they claim they said: “So I took a look at the files...the Model files are broken af, there is no mesh data at all, just bones.”
Is this the case for all the models or did I just extract them wrong? I’ve seen the Eva Units ported into Gmod before and have the same file structure so I’m a little confused... I am new to this stuff so I might just be dumb lol. Do the 4 files in the pilot’s MDL folder need to be combined/merged?
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Re: [UE4] Evangelion: Battlefields
« Reply #20 on: June 24, 2021, 23:51 »

@ShiroPrism: I don't know what your or their problem is. For this game specific umodel build can export meshes, animations, armatures (skeletons) and textures as usual. If something particular doesn't work as expected, it's most likely not umodel fault, since some games may use stuff in a various uncommon ways (especially materials).
Just exported a sample model with an animation, all seems fine in the Blender.
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Re: [UE4] Evangelion: Battlefields
« Reply #21 on: June 25, 2021, 00:09 »

@spiritovod: Hmm oki. Sorry for the inconveniences. I doubt it’s umodel’s fault, entirely just mine lol. I may have forgotten to export something, just haven’t had the time to check since I’ve been out all day. I’ll check again wince I get home. Thanks for replying!
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Re: [UE4] Evangelion: Battlefields
« Reply #22 on: September 24, 2021, 09:51 »

I apologize if this isn't the place to discuss this but I was able to export the models along with textures fine, the problem I'm having is setting up the shader in blender. It exports an ILM texture along with Light and Shadow it seems to be somewhat like the guilty gear shader but I'm unable to get the colors to show correctly, if anyone could help me I would appreciate it.
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Re: [UE4] Evangelion: Battlefields
« Reply #23 on: September 25, 2021, 16:35 »

@Kramez: It's better to provide some samples, like the mentioned texture, with some brief explanation what you're expecting from it. Make sure you've looked in the material properties, where this texture is used, including parent materials (they're available in the viewer by pressing M, and also in txt files when model is being exported to psk) - because most games are using custom materials now.
I'm not familiar with texturing, but other people may help you if proper sample with explanation is provided, so they don't need to download the whole game and find out what you're talking about.
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Re: [UE4] Evangelion: Battlefields
« Reply #24 on: October 06, 2021, 11:53 »

Hi there, I lost the textures for the models and it looks like the link to the .pak file was taken down. Does anyone have a copy to upload?
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Re: [UE4] Evangelion: Battlefields
« Reply #25 on: May 17, 2022, 05:26 »

This build is based on 1504 official with changes from previous post (except updates 6 and 7), and with ability to export morphs ("Export LODs" is replaced with "Export morphed models"). Port of oscateexor's changes to more recent build. Note that if morphs are not supported in the official build for you particular game, it will not work with this one as well.

Update: Since 22.06.2021 this build is separated into two builds for different platforms to avoid possible compatibility issues with games. No special override is required, simply choose proper engine version.

->Download build for desktop/console games<-
->Download build for mobile games<-

has there been any updates to this?

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Re: [UE4] Evangelion: Battlefields
« Reply #26 on: May 17, 2022, 19:14 »

@NexusElite: For example? Even though it's an old build, it supports 4.27 games, which are latest supported by umodel anyway. I suppose it's not compatible with some game with customized assets, but it would be better if that will be addressed in topics with respective games rather than here.

Update: Desktop build with morphs export is updated to support latest 4.27 games (it should also work for mobile games).

Update 2: Morphs build is now depricated, use latest specific build from this topic, it can export morphs.
« Last Edit: July 06, 2022, 06:17 by spiritovod » Logged
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Re: [UE4] Evangelion: Battlefields
« Reply #27 on: November 27, 2024, 12:08 »

My apologies for necroing a thread that was last posted in 2 years ago, but I am having a problem.

I have successfully used umodel to extract assets from this game in the past, but I have since had brain/spinal surgery to remove a tumor, and as it turns out, yes, you really do lose memories and/or they become glitched and incomplete. So I cannot remember exactly what I did to extract them.

Looking at log files, and output directories saved, it is clear that I used umodel build 1590 to extract some of these assets, but I failed to note which ue version override I used.

I have tried 4.24, 4.25, 4.26, 4.27, 4.25 Plus, all with android as the selected platform on both the 32bit and 64bit versions of the viewer, and cannot find any mesh or texture data.

Can someone tell me what I am doing wrong please?

* eva-bf-umodel.PNG (35.61 KB, 753x582 - viewed 33 times.)
« Last Edit: November 28, 2024, 16:34 by Node-AR » Logged
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Re: [UE4] Evangelion: Battlefields
« Reply #28 on: November 28, 2024, 17:44 »

@Node-AR: The game was using 4.26 engine before closure. If you don't know where to find meshes in a game, you can always perform full scan in umodel and then sort assets by required type in flat view mode. Such things are mostly explained in recommended tutorial from tutorials section. You can also use specific umodel build from this topic for slightly better materials.

* Clipboard01.jpg (93.11 KB, 2553x1243 - viewed 33 times.)
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Re: [UE4] Evangelion: Battlefields
« Reply #29 on: November 28, 2024, 17:51 »


This is everything I can see when viewing in flat view. As you can see, there is not a lot there. Manually browsing the directory in windows reveals that there is definitely content there. About 4 - 5 gbs worth. Umodel just isn't showing anything.

* eva-bf-umodel2.PNG (99.05 KB, 975x1035 - viewed 35 times.)
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